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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

We don't know that. We think it might've been the cause, but the fact that it just started affecting the people then is slightly unrealistic.


Actually the water was contaminated with a fungus from which LSD is derived and A legitimate theory is that everyone in the town was just tripping balls.

Really? ',:0 I guess you learn something new every day!

@HighPockets group

Or it could be the gov finding ways to kill people. Idk, just making up theories. But I like the LSD theory.

There wasn't really much gov. then though, especially not in America. Most gov would've been handled in England.

@GameMaster group

Or it could be the gov finding ways to kill people. Idk, just making up theories. But I like the LSD theory.

There wasn't really much gov. then though, especially not in America. Most gov would've been handled in England.

Yeah thats what I was thinking. And the explosive increase in secret societies was like a hundred years later. I don’t think good old fashioned Illuminati/Gov conspiracy really fits here.


Speaking of marshmallows…
Unpopular opinion: Stale marshmallows are still very freaking delicious and I will gladly eat them
Just like regular marshmallows
Very freaking delicious


Okay, the dude made some really good points (like really good ones) but I still don't think human life is something to be messed with at all. IMO, it doesn't necessarily make us any better than they are (IMO) besides, rotting in jail is a way better form of justice than to just give them the easy way out.