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people_alt 109 followers


Maybe not a pacifist, I do understand when violence is sometimes needed to solve certain types of issues, but it's just having good morals (imo) to know that human life shouldn't be messed with whatsover. We kill them and then what? (and this might sound a bit harsh) but it doesn't really change the fact that the person's dead.


You're not wrong. But there are better ways to make sure that doesn't happen. Such as, adding more security to prisons, isolating these types of people, etc.


But is killing someone really worth it though? We didn't give this said person life and we certainly don't have the right to take it away.

@Moxie group

I think the death penalty could be beneficial in some very extreme cases but I don’t think it should be legal because of the institutionalized racism in America (I don’t know about other countries). I also think there should be a more humane way to do it if it is legal because there is currently no painless way to receive the death penalty.

@Moxie group

Also on the subject of prisons, I don’t think private prisons should be legal. When something that had so much impact on a persons mental health is commercialized and only is in it for the money, bad things can and do happen.


But we do have the right to make sure they never commit the crime again. It is owed to society by the law enforcement. And there is only one method that is guaranteed to work.

It's actually not that likely that a murderer will kill again.

Deleted user

If people believe they have the right to take others' lives, perhaps they deserve their own taken as well. But overall, I don't agree with Death Penalty.

Deleted user

But we do have the right to make sure they never commit the crime again. It is owed to society by the law enforcement. And there is only one method that is guaranteed to work.

It's actually not that likely that a murderer will kill again.

But not impossible, my dude.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think the death penalty could be beneficial in some very extreme cases but I don’t think it should be legal because of the institutionalized racism in America (I don’t know about other countries). I also think there should be a more humane way to do it if it is legal because there is currently no painless way to receive the death penalty.

I think it should be legal, but rare. Just like handling a weapon means one must be even more responsible, the death penalty should be used only rarely. For people who serial rape and murder and people who torture others to death without justification.


I think the death penalty should legal for mentally unstable criminals or the cases that go beyond immoral and are just downright horrifying.
Now please, please don't interpret this as a prejudice against mental health issues. That's seriously not what I mean.
But I think that the people who on top of being murderous have altered judgment of sense are very very dangerous and unpredictable and wouldn't learn from being imprisoned once.


I think the death penalty should legal for mentally unstable criminals or the cases that go beyond immoral and are just downright horrifying.
Now please, please don't interpret this as a prejudice against mental health issues. That's seriously not what I mean.
But I think that the people who on top of being murderous have altered judgment of sense are very very dangerous and unpredictable and wouldn't learn from being imprisoned once.

But whose to say said mentally ill person would be released?


Also, call me cruel, but some people deserve nothing but death.
Also, those who are sentenced to life in prison and have zero chance of a reduced sentence should be/should have the choice to be put to death.


Here's what I think:
It's the same idea as cremating people for the sake of space.
I know it's different cause they're alive, but those sentenced to life in prison are sort of stuck anyway, right? Save everyone trouble (again, I know that's not a nice thought), put them out of their misery and save space and resources.
Fine, though, maybe it should to their families or something like that. But I still think it's a very viable option.