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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I actually believe that Lin’s decision was racist. But I don’t think all racism is bad. I prefer people of my own family to others. (This always comes out in game shows Lol.) I see a person of Arabic, Persian, Indian, or Egyptian descent, and identity with them as family. I think it is slightly racist because I do discriminate between them and say a white person. But discrimination is not inherently bad. In fact it is really a necessary tool for survival that just happens to have hugely negative connotations.


I actually believe that Lin’s decision was racist. But I don’t think all racism is bad. I prefer people of my own family to others. (This always comes out in game shows Lol.) I see a person of Arabic, Persian, Indian, or Egyptian descent, and identity with them as family. I think it is slightly racist because I do discriminate between them and say a white person. But discrimination is not inherently bad. In fact it is really a necessary tool for survival that just happens to have hugely negative connotations.

Wait, slow down. What? What in the actual fuck…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Representation of what? Wasn’t it representation of people of a certain race (or people outside of a certain race rather.) If not what was the rep for?

Yes it was representation for POC, is that somehow wrong?

By itself, not at all. But if it comes at the cost of discrimination by race in a business setting it is.


I actually believe that Lin’s decision was racist. But I don’t think all racism is bad. I prefer people of my own family to others. (This always comes out in game shows Lol.) I see a person of Arabic, Persian, Indian, or Egyptian descent, and identity with them as family. I think it is slightly racist because I do discriminate between them and say a white person. But discrimination is not inherently bad. In fact it is really a necessary tool for survival that just happens to have hugely negative connotations.

Wait, slow down. What? What in the actual fuck…

Dom can you elaborate a bit?


An excellent substitute and synonym is Discernment.

But do you know what a synonym is? It doesn't always mean the same thing. The words could be similar.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh, I see. You have the privilege of enjoying the textbook definition of racism without contexualizing or historical context. I don't.

My dude, I know what it’s like to be an Airport security while an Arab family. I realize I don’t have to deal with a lot of the real crap in our system, but that doesn’t make me completely clueless. However, I do apologize.


You're getting too lofty, is rhe problem. I'm thinking real people, real society, and real problems that actually affect me and others iike me. Not biological racism for survival,,, or whatever.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It is true I am thinking of this as a logic problem instead of having real empathy. In my experience the more emotional someone gets, the less logical they are. This applies to myself as well as everyone else, so I keep emotions somewhat at bay when I debate. Though of course, I am not moved emotionally in the same way as others. I am not sure if it is a fault or not, however I understand what you mean.


No no, I don't think you're being too logical/lacking in empathy, I think you're ignoring context and choosing to view the issue from a rather vacant perspective.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Correct me if you think I am wrong.
I think racism as we know and talk and think about it is discerning between races so as to give one (normally white people) unfair advantages, or other races (pretty much everyone else) unfair treatment in a negative manner.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

No no, I don't think you're being too logical/lacking in empathy, I think you're ignoring context and choosing to view the issue from a rather vacant perspective.

I unfortunately am unaware on how to correct this.


Dom was being rather cold but his point was that the casting was, in a sense, racist. Lin still divided the casting with race and that is discrimination, regardless of his motives behind it. I do think it is good of him to give these opportunities to people who have been denied from these chances, but the casting was not color-blind.


I'm so glad you used the word colorblind. Ever heard of colorblind ideology? It's essentially believing that if we pretend racism is over and that equal opportunity exist, it will magically appear: "I don't see color." Again, the real world doesn't work like that at all. Discrimination against POC still exists, therefore Lin creating a space in which him and other POC can have a chance to showcase their talent is not and cannot be racist.


The fact that the ideology can never and will never exist doesn’t mean Lin purposefully excluding whites from main parts doesn’t count as discrimination.


I'm going to push back some at your word choice there. Was Lin excluding white people, or was he including POC, or does it mean the same thing and that's just semantics. Is handicap parking discriminatory against able bodied people? Are scholarships for women discriminatory against men?


Huh, interesting. But he could’ve included POC without excluding whites, either. Through a color-blind casting.