forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


A colorblind casting doesn't work in a non-colorblind world, sorry. Plus, Hamilton is primarily rap and hip hop, which is highly influenced by POC…


Okay…? If a white person can rap/sing/act just as well as someone of color, does it matter? And same vice-verse applies, too. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have casted POC’s, I’m saying he should’ve casted without any prejudice against any race.


So, let me get this straight: a man who has been denied roles because of his race decides to write a play heavily influenced by POC culture and to cast his friends and others who have been denied roles for the same reason, and you're saying that's somehow racist?

Deleted user

I'm curious… do we know for 100% that Lin said he didn't want white people auditioning for the main cast?


Was it that the main parts were written for POC and white people were still able to audition for the parts with a chance to get it if they proved to be extraordinary, but he chose people that would not normally would have been chosen?

Because that doesn't sound racist to me.

Also, despite the fact that the main cast is entirely POC it is still wildly diverse. It's not all one race of people. So to say that it was racist is kind of ridiculous.

Deleted user

(I'd like to thank the few of you that kept this chat going with actual debates versus the ridiculous subjects I saw earlier. Kudos my peeps.)

@HighPockets group

I'm curious… do we know for 100% that Lin said he didn't want white people auditioning for the main cast?


Was it that the main parts were written for POC and white people were still able to audition for the parts with a chance to get it if they proved to be extraordinary, but he chose people that would not normally would have been chosen?

Because that doesn't sound racist to me.

Also, despite the fact that the main cast is entirely POC it is still wildly diverse. It's not all one race of people. So to say that it was racist is kind of ridiculous.

Main parts were written for POC, white people can still be in non-main roles like King George, ensemble, and understudies/swings. Which really isn't racist at all, since white people are the leads in a ton of other shows.

@HighPockets group

I'm so insanely happy that I now have 3 legit roles to use as "theatre experience" because shows in my town are very competitive and no one's gonna cast Peasant #3 as a lead…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I put out the ad so hopefully that answers your questions.

Also, despite the fact that the main cast is entirely POC it is still wildly diverse. It's not all one race of people. So to say that it was racist is kind of ridiculous.

Hmm, it’s based on ‘everything but that race’ so I think it still works.


I may have to throw in the towel here, folks. I don't think I can debate with someone who thinks handicap parking is somehow discriminatory. I think we'll just keep going in circles.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm so insanely happy that I now have 3 legit roles to use as "theatre experience" because shows in my town are very competitive and no one's gonna cast Peasant #3 as a lead…

Happy for you mate.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I may have to throw in the towel here, folks. I don't think I can debate with someone who thinks handicap parking is somehow discriminatory. I think we'll just keep going in circles.

Remember that I use the term literally. I thought I no longer needed to explain that.

@HighPockets group

I'm so insanely happy that I now have 3 legit roles to use as "theatre experience" because shows in my town are very competitive and no one's gonna cast Peasant #3 as a lead…

Happy for you mate.

I had to put down 'sock puppet Laertes' at one point to bolster my resume.
I don't know how I feel about that.


Seeking NON-WHITE men and women, ages 20s to 30s, for Broadway and upcoming Tours!
** No prior theater experience necessary. **”

(the issue with this ad is semantics, because casting calls often ask for race. Loads and loads of casting calls are for certain races. The problem isn't the idea but the use of "non" as opposed to "people of color")

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So is it sexist to say that only girls can audition for female roles?

Well it does prohibit men, so technically, yes. But that in itself isn’t the issue. These guys are Washington and the bunch, the whitest of the whites. Prohibiting white people from playing them is a bit odd (and I still hold, racist.) Not that I have any objections to the cast, but this seems like what people call (and what a stupid phrase) ‘reverse racism.’

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm so insanely happy that I now have 3 legit roles to use as "theatre experience" because shows in my town are very competitive and no one's gonna cast Peasant #3 as a lead…

Happy for you mate.

I had to put down 'sock puppet Laertes' at one point to bolster my resume.
I don't know how I feel about that.

L O L.