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Mission failed my dudes

It's alright, our failures become the stepping stones for success…. I'm really sleep deprived please don't quote that.


Mission failed my dudes

What happ

Never said anything to him on the bus. Though I did get like a 20 minutes nap

uhhh mood

Deleted user

Mission failed my dudes

What happ

Never said anything to him on the bus. Though I did get like a 20 minutes nap

uhhh mood



jules just left the house and he'll be in the car for a while and won't have wifi and god knows if his parents will take his electronics or not but we just had the best convo and now i'm not sad at all i'm just rlly happy

@Knight-Shives group

Mission failed my dudes

What happ

Never said anything to him on the bus. Though I did get like a 20 minutes nap

uhhh mood


Hey it's fine though. I felt sick as hell. Nap on the bus wasn't great. Also he is volunteered at the same event as me


god fzunk
so in one of the doorways in her house, she has mistletoe hanging on it because her mom put it there for Christmas and never took it down
so she was standing under it and so was I and we were just talking and I looked up and saw it ans was like "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute mia" she's like "yeah what" and I say "you did this on purpose didn't you" and she smiles because she's a terrible liar and says "no" and I say "you're lying" and she says "it's one of the reasons" and then she kissed me
but it turns out that's a doorway she stands under a lot because it leads to the room she paints in and she just likes standing there so

Deleted user

I have a dam problem.

You know that guy I'm trying to get over? We used to live just a couple of houses apart when I lived with my grandma for one and a half year, and I live there every now and then on the weekends. I'm at her place right now, and it's night. From my window I can see farther down the road where his house is. And right above it… is a light. A satellite or something, maybe a star. It's not from a tower or any building. And it's only visible at nighttime. And whatever that light is, it's right freaking above his house. Of course, my love-blinded dumbass mind couldn't help but looking at that light every night and thinking it was a sign of some kind, before I found out about his girlfriend. And now, everytime I am at my grandma's place and see that light I just get sad. So… yeah. That was all.

Deleted user

Have no blinds. Have no sleep mask. But I'll figure it out somehow.

also that tea on you and mia? Hecking cute. Like how do ya'll even manage

Deleted user

idk man I don't think I do
cover your face with a pillow and get over him

Probs a good idea. But it's gonna be hard to rp with a pillow on my face XD

Deleted user

Yeah maybe… or I could just try to focus on the screen instead.


What institutes 'the best convo'?

well i can't tell you exactly what was said because some of it is not very pg but in general we talked a lot today and like teased each other and it was fun and i just feel very loved
i also told him that i'd rather go through all this being apart shit with him and know that we have each other rather than not having him at all and he said he feels the same
also i sent him selfies and he like. died or smth
i also sent him one from when i was sitting in bed in my pjs watching a movie and we have a Thing where we sat and pretended we were next to each other in bed while videoing and it looks like when we did that and he hasnt seen it yet but ik he'll Perish when he does