forum Crushes
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Deleted user

(I felt like I had to spice up my way of responding to cuteness overloads a bit lol)


also may i just say the guy is so not worth it? turn around from the dumb fuckin light above the house and play some music

Deleted user

Already playing music lol my fav playlist has been on pretty much constantly today

@Knight-Shives group

I had a slight crush on one of my friends for a week once. Also went to a bday party for a friend. It was all girls there basically we ended up playing truth or dare with janga and frequently asked questions include "who here would you go gay for?" "Who would you go gay for?" "who here would you kiss?" Also "who here do you find most attractive?"


so… I may have typed up a really really long story telling ya'll that it's ok to have emotions as long as you're not stupid with them….. But it got really really personal really really quick so I just want to get the, go ahead, to post it before doing so just to make sure no one's going to take it the wrong way of me just posting a sob story for pity, because I'm not, I'm sharing a story to keep all of you from doing the same stupid things I did, I and you to understand where I'm coming from when I give my advice on what to/not to do with unwanted emotions, I'm not just some random weirdo with no past experience, that clear? we good?


uhhh i felt that shit
i'd share my own trauma from my first girlfriend from 9th gr three yrs ago who was massively abusive bc it ties into the theme of "don't get urself into a toxic relationship" but i still haven't properly processed it and i'd rather not have a panic attack an hour before bed so we'll skip that
however, bc of my extensive experience with several abusers, i can give any advice abt red flags i am hella good at spotting those and tolerate zero shit so if you feel like ur relationship is funky i can tell u if ur right


I think Gina was really strong to be able to pull herself out of that dark place. It's really amazing that she's learned from her mistakes and to confront that guy? FAM- er… that girlie has courage! I can't imagine being in a situation where a person is threatening suicide just because she would hang out with other people. To be honest, it sounds like the ginger had extremely low self-confidence… but that doesn't justify his actions in any way, shape, or form. I really respect Gina for managing to see through her affection toward him. And now? She's probably out there doing great things like sharing her story to prevent others from falling into that dark place. <3


I think Gina was really strong to be able to pull herself out of that dark place. It's really amazing that she's learned from her mistakes and to confront that guy? FAM- er… that girlie has courage! I can't imagine being in a situation where a person is threatening suicide just because she would hang out with other people. To be honest, it sounds like the ginger had extremely low self-confidence… but that doesn't justify his actions in any way, shape, or form. I really respect Gina for managing to see through her affection toward him. And now? She's probably out there doing great things like sharing her story to prevent others from falling into that dark place. <3

may i just say the guy was a real piece of shit i'm glad gina got rid of him


I'm glad I managed to get rid of him too, unfortunately my best friend of 8 years started dating him recently despite my warnings so we'll see how that goes, actually she's already stopped talking to me so there is that but she has to learn this the hard way and I'll be here for her to fall back to when she does find out he's a peace of crap .

Deleted user

Is there a word for… I dunno how to describe this. When you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your life with someone as in a relationship, loving and caring for them and the romantic stuff and so on, but at the same time you don't want the intimate stuff with them? Stuff like sex and kissing and so on. And this feeling only affects on one person, not all my crushes?

I think I have told ya'll about him before. Ivar. My close friend who seems like he would do anything for me and seems to have feelings for me. He's nerdy, nice, not very good looking, funny, genuine and caring. I have really fun when I'm with him. If I'm having a bad day, he is one of the few people who can actually make it better just by talking to me. And… I have no idea of what I feel for him. Is it just a friendship? Is it more? I feel like it could be more, but I don't really wanna kiss him or anything like that. Is there a word for that? Would it work out since we are friends and we have other friends that would maybe get in the middle of it? I am literal confusion over here.