forum Crushes
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Ooh okay. David is… amazing. He is in my class, and he's like… I don't even know how to describe him. He's one of the popular guys, but he's not an asshole about it. He has messy dark hair and the most gorgeous icy blue eyes ever. He's kinda pale, even in the middle of summer. He has a cute crook to his nose that is just so adorable like I can't even. And he is incredibly smart, he does math that is way ahead of our grade. Although he can be a besserwisser sometimes he is never really mean or rude about it. He does track 'n field and is the no 1 hurdler his age in Stockholm. He's great at sports. And he's always so nice to me. We used to live next doors for about a year and a half, and we used to meet on our way to school. Even though he had his bike he still always stopped to walk with me instead of going ahead on his bike. And if I fail on something in gym class, like when we played volleyboll and I screwed up a lot for the entire team, he takes the blame for it so that I wont feel bad about it. And he looks good af. He's got a really nice ass and a great body. I could stare at him all day oof that sounds creepy.


Deleted user

yeah but I tend to be a bit annoying when I do it lol


Well… he's the one with the girlfriend that I told ya'll about earlier. The one you told me to get over, the player one.



I know a guy kinda like that, he's very much a 'ladies man' who seems like he would be a player and kinda is but he's actually a great guy really considerate and easy to talk to(And my Crushes best friend).

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Because he seems like a nice guy with all kinds of bonuses. It's perfectly reasonable that you can't get over him. But that dude… I have questions for him.


cries pathetically in a corner
Why can't I get over him

My sister has a wonderful saying, " Guy's are dumb, Relationships are dumb, dating is dumb… But I'm also dumb." meaning, sometimes even when you know something is dumb, you like it anyway because we are also dumb and that's ok, My sister has had an on and off crush on the same guy for about three years and she knows he's a jerk and is toxic and not a good person she just still has feelings for him and she knows its dumb so she doesn't act on said feelings.

Deleted user

cries pathetically in a corner
Why can't I get over him

My sister has a wonderful saying, " Guy's are dumb, Relationships are dumb, dating is dumb… But I'm also dumb." meaning, sometimes even when you know something is dumb, you like it anyway because we are also dumb and that's ok, My sister has had an on and off crush on the same guy for about three years and she knows he's a jerk and is toxic and not a good person she just still has feelings for him and she knows its dumb so she doesn't act on said feelings.

That's… actually a really good saying. Thanks.


My friend who knows him better than I do told me that he was a player about a year ago or so. I was heartbroken. Then, she said that it seemed like he had calmed down. I was happy. Three months ago or so she told me that he had a girlfriend. I was heartbroken again. A week ago I heard him talk about his girlfriend, but a new one this time. And in the middle of all that I realised that my feelings for him were much more than just a crush. And that's the sad story of my life. Oh well.

…. May I introduce you to my friend Eponine I think you two would get along.

Deleted user

My friend who knows him better than I do told me that he was a player about a year ago or so. I was heartbroken. Then, she said that it seemed like he had calmed down. I was happy. Three months ago or so she told me that he had a girlfriend. I was heartbroken again. A week ago I heard him talk about his girlfriend, but a new one this time. And in the middle of all that I realised that my feelings for him were much more than just a crush. And that's the sad story of my life. Oh well.

…. May I introduce you to my friend Eponine I think you two would get along.

Oh really how come


Eponine is a character in Les Mis and she's in love with boy but boy is kind of a jerk and very much takes advantage of her affection for him, and then boy falls in love with girl he saw for about point three seconds and uses Eponine to find out where she lives and then forgets Eponine exists until she takes a bullet for him…and dies

Deleted user

About that… which song would you say best represents ya'll's relationship with your SO, crush, partner, other? I love music and always try to find matching lyrics for my life lol so this is interesting