forum Crushes
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Deleted user

Eponine is a character in Les Mis and she's in love with boy but boy is kind of a jerk and very much takes advantage of her affection for him, and then boy falls in love with girl he saw for about point three seconds and uses Eponine to find out where she lives and then forgets Eponine exists until she takes a bullet for him…and dies

That is… depressing.

Deleted user

OOH!! Gimme a bit. Actually, screw that, "Little Do You Know" is what we would be.

I have heard about that song so many times but never actually heard it. I listened to it now and it is really good…

Deleted user

For me there is one obvious song: Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes, of course. But other than that… well I have a few options.

Lie to me - Mikolas Josef (my fav song for when I'm pissed off at myself for still likong him)
Someone like you - Adele
i hate u, i love u - Olivia O'brien & gnash


For me there is one obvious song: Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes, of course. But other than that… well I have a few options.

Lie to me - Mikolas Josef (my fav song for when I'm pissed off at myself for still likong him)
Someone like you - Adele
i hate u, i love u - Olivia O'brien & gnash

(Also on my own from Les Mis….. Just saying ok I'll stop now but seriously give it a listen )

Deleted user

Ooh I just remembered another one, Sunflower by Shannon Purser from the movie Sierra Burgess Is A Loser

Deleted user

Guys I left you alone for an hour and this is what happens? Lol

Well this is what happens


So when I first started liking him I would sing I'm not that girl from Wicked in my head a lot because I was like nope you're not allowed to like this boy he's to good for you. But now I've accepted it and upon further analysis Into the West from LOTR is a pretty good description in a weird but very accurate way, that song is like him talking to me… yep. My song to him would be Sad song by We the kings.


So when I finally accepted I liked him we were on our way home from seeing Wicked, and we were sitting on the bus talking about LOTR because he hasn't read the books or seen the movies, so naturally I was a little bit shocked because I love LOTR. And his counter argument was he knew all the words to Into the West and then he sang the song and… Have I mentioned how much I love his voice because it's flipping amazing. Any who so now if we're somewhere and I look really upset or sad or anxious or frustrated he'll start humming or singing it or if he has his instrument he'll play it. It's the most calming thing ever.


I have a whole playlist of songs I associate with my crush, if you scroll through it in order of when the songs were added you can see it go from oh-my-gosh-im-falling-for-a-human-how-great to what-an-amazing-human-i-love to this-love-is-probably-unrequited to this-love-is-definitely-unrequited-but-i-hope-your-girlfriend-is-amazing-anyway and its… yeah


So when I finally accepted I liked him we were on our way home from seeing Wicked, and we were sitting on the bus talking about LOTR because he hasn't read the books or seen the movies, so naturally I was a little bit shocked because I love LOTR. And his counter argument was he knew all the words to Into the West and then he sang the song and… Have I mentioned how much I love his voice because it's flipping amazing. Any who so now if we're somewhere and I look really upset or sad or anxious or frustrated he'll start humming or singing it or if he has his instrument he'll play it. It's the most calming thing ever.

that's so fucking adorable i can't—

Deleted user

So when I finally accepted I liked him we were on our way home from seeing Wicked, and we were sitting on the bus talking about LOTR because he hasn't read the books or seen the movies, so naturally I was a little bit shocked because I love LOTR. And his counter argument was he knew all the words to Into the West and then he sang the song and… Have I mentioned how much I love his voice because it's flipping amazing. Any who so now if we're somewhere and I look really upset or sad or anxious or frustrated he'll start humming or singing it or if he has his instrument he'll play it. It's the most calming thing ever.

that's so fucking adorable i can't—
