forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


We’re both 100% straight I promise

………………… Are you sure about that?

Well, there is technically a chance that I might be aro, ace, or even bi (although it's extremely slim), she's straight. Very straight. She rarely goes five minutes without talking about her fictional boyfriends or her not-so-fictional one, and she cannot look at a human male without explaining to me just where she ranks him on the attractive meter. She's also twice as sheltered as me and as a result, she's pretty anti-LGBTQ… She really isn't a bad or hateful person though so please don't get that impression

i used to have a best friend who said she was straight and every time she hugged me she'd like, breathe against my neck and kiss it just to fluster me and she'd hold me very close. She also asked me to practice kissing with her (and we did and it escalated into a Lot More but i will not elaborate). About a year later she confessed she was bi and i told her i loved her and she said it back and we almost got very nsfw on her couch, but something felt rlly wrong so i stopped her from doing anything so we just made out for like an hour.
(it felt wrong bc i had a gut feeling and she betrayed me brutally like two days later, so i've decided i'll listen to my gut more)

long story short, i always knew she was bi and she turned out to be bi so like, ur friend just sounds like she's got internalized homophobia and she's most likely not straight


lol. BY THE WAY! I ACCIDENTALLY CALLED MY GF "SWEETHEART" AND I HAD TO KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE WHILE RECOVERING WITH "I call everyone that". On another note, she ate five fucking cookies I made and said that they are now her favorite for many reasons.



We’re both 100% straight I promise

………………… Are you sure about that?

Well, there is technically a chance that I might be aro, ace, or even bi (although it's extremely slim), she's straight. Very straight. She rarely goes five minutes without talking about her fictional boyfriends or her not-so-fictional one, and she cannot look at a human male without explaining to me just where she ranks him on the attractive meter. She's also twice as sheltered as me and as a result, she's pretty anti-LGBTQ… She really isn't a bad or hateful person though so please don't get that impression

i used to have a best friend who said she was straight and every time she hugged me she'd like, breathe against my neck and kiss it just to fluster me and she'd hold me very close. She also asked me to practice kissing with her (and we did and it escalated into a Lot More but i will not elaborate). About a year later she confessed she was bi and i told her i loved her and she said it back and we almost got very nsfw on her couch, but something felt rlly wrong so i stopped her from doing anything so we just made out for like an hour.
(it felt wrong bc i had a gut feeling and she betrayed me brutally like two days later, so i've decided i'll listen to my gut more)

long story short, i always knew she was bi and she turned out to be bi so like, ur friend just sounds like she's got internalized homophobia and she's most likely not straight

While that could be a possibility, I act basically the same way towards her and I know I'm not attracted to her, so I'm pretty sure it's all a friend thing and we're just weird

Deleted user

i told jules that sometimes i gush abt him on here and he got. so flustered

Lol sometimes


While that could be a possibility, I act basically the same way towards her and I know I'm not attracted to her, so I'm pretty sure it's all a friend thing and we're just weird

i mean, yeah, it's not universal


he's leaving state tomorrow and i wont b able to talk to him for the whole summer most likely and i'm :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( how am i gna b able to do that

Deleted user

It could be worse. At least he's still yours. But let's talk about something else if you don't want to think about it. Wanna hear me obsess about my crush?


It could be worse. At least he's still yours. But let's talk about something else if you don't want to think about it. Wanna hear me obsess about my crush?

ur right. it never even occured to me to like, break up w him or w/e, and i'm usually a huge flake when not given attention readily. like, both of us willing to suffer for two months because we refuse to let this shit break us up? that's love, baby

y e s tell me. is it the asshole?


Nah, the asshole is just a light crush. There's three guys that I like. No 1 is the guy that I am pretty sure that I actually love, his name is David. Then we have the asshole, Andrea. And the third dude is my childhood best friend who used to like me back, Calle. Which one do you wanna hear about lol
