forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


oh my goooood
i mean i'll confess i've done my share of thottish things (i've sent pics and sexted and stuff) but my face was NEVER in them and nothing was actually shown, it was like on the limit of it
why are people so stupid?????


lol I haven't felt serious attraction to humanoids for awhile now… cries in confuzzlement


lol I haven't felt serious attraction to humanoids for awhile now… cries in confuzzlement

that's okay! you do you sweetie, sometimes we're just not focused on that (can't relate tho bc my whole mindset seems to revolve around romantic love and general affection)


(can't relate tho bc my whole mindset seems to revolve around romantic love and general affection)


Deleted user

(can't relate tho bc my whole mindset seems to revolve around romantic love and general affection)

Oh that is so me

@Elder-God-Whisper work

lol I haven't felt serious attraction to humanoids for awhile now… cries in confuzzlement

It's okay sweetheart! It just might not be the right time for you. You've got all your life, and even if you decide you don't want a relationship or anything, it's okay to be that way.

@Pickles group

Stop fucking dating when you're twelve. You're twelve. glares at your school for trying to force you to grow up too fast

@Pickles group

Nothing against either of you personally, but twelve year olds can't do much of anything. They can't drive, vote, or drink. As a general population, they are immature, lacking in life experience, judgement, and people skills, loud, obnoxious, and will regret a lot of things that they do. They don't know how to respect others. Forcing them to "grow up" is completely ridiculous. They don't even have a fully developed vocabulary. These things are normal for twelve and thirteen year olds, and with time, they will mature, and forcing them to do so at a young age will make them regret it. Telling preteens they need to have romantic, and even sexual, relationships, and declare a sexuality can lead to many regrets and trapped feelings, not to mention mental disorders.
In conclusion, your school is completely ridiculous in its mentality that you need to grow up right now.
This has been a very disorganized argument by Pickles. Again, that was twelve year olds as a whole, you two, as far as I can tell, aren't really like that. I love you both. I hate your school.

Deleted user

When I was twelve…. flashes back to internalized homophobic phase and feels stupid

I went to a Christian private school! Okay? It was conservative!! Also do you mind if I gush about my crush here?

Deleted user

Awww! That's like, goals. I play with my friends hair and cuddle with them tho, is that wrong?


Awww! That's like, goals. I play with my friends hair and cuddle with them tho, is that wrong?

no ur just affectionate, it's v healthy

Deleted user

Okay. I have one friend who isn't big on hugs or cuddling much so we'll hold hands instead. This actually lead to, irony, my crush thinking we were dating. Funny isn't it?

Deleted user

Everyone in my school knows I'm an affectionate gay at this point so it's fine, lol.


Nothing against either of you personally, but twelve year olds can't do much of anything. They can't drive, vote, or drink. As a general population, they are immature, lacking in life experience, judgement, and people skills, loud, obnoxious, and will regret a lot of things that they do. They don't know how to respect others. Forcing them to "grow up" is completely ridiculous. They don't even have a fully developed vocabulary. These things are normal for twelve and thirteen year olds, and with time, they will mature, and forcing them to do so at a young age will make them regret it. Telling preteens they need to have romantic, and even sexual, relationships, and declare a sexuality can lead to many regrets and trapped feelings, not to mention mental disorders.
In conclusion, your school is completely ridiculous in its mentality that you need to grow up right now.
This has been a very disorganized argument by Pickles. Again, that was twelve year olds as a whole, you two, as far as I can tell, aren't really like that. I love you both. I hate your school.

Wow that actually made me feel a lot better, thanks Pickles <3
fam people have freaking cheated on each other


Wow that actually made me feel a lot better, thanks Pickles <3
fam people have freaking cheated on each other

there was a guy at my school(who i became friends later bc he's surprisingly a nice person) who dated half the girls in our school and slept with at least three by the end of 8th grade and i hated his guts but then in 9th he turned out to be just Misunderstood he's not nearly as fuckboyish as he seems


lol a guy in my class and his seventh-grade girlfriend are rumored to have had sex and i'm like, she's like 12????? what the fuck????????

eRmiGawd so I was in 7th grade and rumors were flying around about people A. sending nudes (there was photo evidence since they got leaked and people were stupid enough to not crop out their faces) B. having sex (again, photo evidence) C. doing drugs (they brought a police dog into the school to sniff out weed and found about 20 lockers with it apparently ???) and I'm over here trying to figure out how in the world one memorizes the quadratic formula.