forum Crushes
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Deleted user

Aww my best friend has a crush on this guy who I am 100% certain likes her back and they are hecking adorable together. I have shipped them together since long before she even started liking him… I may or may not have written a fanfic about the two of them…

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ok, the first song/video my teacher showed in class and we were all dying. I wish he had shown the second instead. Also, how come nobody knows how to dab in that video???!!

Ann O. Ymous

lol a guy in my class and his seventh-grade girlfriend are rumored to have had sex and i'm like, she's like 12????? what the fuck????????

thats rly freaky i mean she would be my age and omg no no no

Ann O. Ymous

lol a guy in my class and his seventh-grade girlfriend are rumored to have had sex and i'm like, she's like 12????? what the fuck????????

ew???????? i did when i was 15 and in all honesty i still think it was a little bit too soon

you did WHAT (why oh why oh why)

Deleted user

I'm sixteen and the closest I've ever come to that was a kiss on the cheek.

I haven't even gotten a kiss on the cheek yet lol now I feel lonely

Ann O. Ymous

I'm sixteen and the closest I've ever come to that was a kiss on the cheek.

I haven't even gotten a kiss on the cheek yet lol now I feel lonely

lol i kissed a boy when i was like 4 and one of my friends was directing it bc i was kissing her bro it was weird…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm sixteen and the closest I've ever come to that was a kiss on the cheek.

I haven't even gotten a kiss on the cheek yet lol now I feel lonely

Jokes on you
I'm the one who kissed him
and it was scandalous at my school

Deleted user

I'm sixteen and the closest I've ever come to that was a kiss on the cheek.

I haven't even gotten a kiss on the cheek yet lol now I feel lonely

Jokes on you
I'm the one who kissed him
and it was scandalous at my school


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Well, seeing as I'm the pastor's kid
and he was an ex-football player who was about 6'5", slightly chubby, had a beard going, a redhead, and the biggest cinnamon roll ever.
Oh god I still like him.

Deleted user

I hate it when that happens. Thinking that you are over someone and then the brain is just like SIKE, you're not over him yet SURPRISE, BITCH. My brain does that quite a lot

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The thing is, I've actually had a better relationship with him now that we've broken up, even though he broke up with me in the wimpiest way possible.
We were two tables away from each other at lunch, and he sent his friend to tell me we were breaking up because I was too controlling.