forum Crushes
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My best friend, her crush, and I were all in a Discord call together, I had never met the guy before so I was trying my best to make a good first impression.

Well, my friend heard that I had found my old MLP fanfictions, the ones I wrote at 6 years old, and decided to not only share them with the entire group, but she read them out loud in a dramatic British accent.
So now this person I've never met will forever remember me as the being who wrote fanfiction of Pinkie Pie as an overpowered superhero with macaroni hair and three children.

The worst part is, there was another guy I hadn't met in the server that couldn't join the call for reasons, so when he logs on and checks the server to see this out of context pile of bad grammar and MS paint artwork that only slightly resembles something not so child-friendly… oh gosh save me


i've been trying to work on a story with julian and he hasn't rlly had motivation and he's being kinda difficult and bad w this stuff and like, writing when i ask him to
and like i love this boy, but god he's fkesngekjr i wanna write



Chances are they don't deserve you any way, In a world full of deceiving can we really trust our eye's

Deleted user


Lol now you sound exactly like my best friend the other day


Update: all is well, the other guy that I hadn’t met opened the server and posted this

I’ve been compared to a precious lil snowball puppy
I’m happy now

Deleted user

Update: all is well, the other guy that I hadn’t met opened the server and posted this

I’ve been compared to a precious lil snowball puppy
I’m happy now

Keep him.

Deleted user

Ok, so…. I'm pathetic and my girlfriend cut herself again. Curls up and dies

Noooo you're not pathetic what makes you think that and no why is she doing that


julian's parents might cut him off from all tech this whole summer and i think i'll go insane if i don't talk to him for 2 whole months and they'll probably also force him to be fem like my parents did to me and if both of us were suffering it's gna be Worse

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ok, so…. I'm pathetic and my girlfriend cut herself again. Curls up and dies

Noooo you're not pathetic what makes you think that and no why is she doing that

She has severe depression issues. And I'm pathetic because I wore her shirt last night and just stayed up, sniffing the fabric because it smelled like her while she was at her house, cutting. Apparently though, I made her day a lot better during lunch because I gave her a poem I had written about her and now she's really happy.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

leans into hug Wanna hear it? It was honestly really cute and she was squealing and squeaking over it. She's apparently gonna use it for a new song. [she's a song writer that does concerts/bar-music jobs]

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I'm in love with an Aussie,
With daisies in their hair,

When they sing their songs,
I cannot help but stare.

When they're jealous, they squeak,
And my heart just wants to stop,

When they wear my things,
I wilt and I flop.

When they use their accent,
I tend to malfunction.

If you believe I'm in love,
You've got the right assumption.

Don't get me wrong, they can drive me nuts,
But I just love them all the same,

I want to spend my days with them,
I have no care for wealth or fame.

I would follow them anywhere,
I would kiss them to to death if I dare.

Because, I'm in love with an Aussie,
With daisies in their hair.

@Knight-Shives group

I saw my crush twice today. The first time I was still getting over an anxiety attack second time I was having another anxiety attack as I walked down the halls with my friend.

Deleted user

I saw my crush twice today. The first time I was still getting over an anxiety attack second time I was having another anxiety attack as I walked down the halls with my friend.

Oof. But hey, you saw them at least!

Deleted user

Oof. Um well, my GF's old account on here was @TheChillestBoi. And they prefer to be called Graye, and I prefer being called Link IRL….

Graye + Link = Grayk, Grink, Linye… or why not a two word shipname, Gray Ink? Although that sounds like some kind of band or something…