forum Crushes
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6 hours isn't that long, it's not like he talked to me the entire time and kept me company instead of going on the rides because I hate roller coasters with a passion, and if I was left by myself I probably would have had a mental break down…. definitely not.

Lol keep telling yourself that.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(She's jealous that other people are messing with me over the internet and that she's frustrated that I had a character sing "our" song. She's jealous of @Starlight-Wolf and @Camie_Sparkles-will-try-to-be-on apparently. laughs hysterically)

Oy yoi yoi… wonders why the heck????

(It was because of the time I had Mar sing that song. That was a piece of "our" song. She kinda freeked out about it. Also the fact I RP…. that stuff with you. )

Deleted user

May I suggest talking through writing? Write to her, and then talk to her about said written conversations when misunderstandings arise?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

6 hours isn't that long, it's not like he talked to me the entire time and kept me company instead of going on the rides because I hate roller coasters with a passion, and if I was left by myself I probably would have had a mental break down…. definitely not.

Lol keep telling yourself that.

is dying over here from your insistent obliviousness. He sKiPpeD RiDeS tO sTaY wItH yOu…. HOW MORE OBVIOUS DOES THIS GET?!?!?!?!!!!????

Deleted user

(She's jealous that other people are messing with me over the internet and that she's frustrated that I had a character sing "our" song. She's jealous of @Starlight-Wolf and @Camie_Sparkles-will-try-to-be-on apparently. laughs hysterically)

Oy yoi yoi… wonders why the heck????

(It was because of the time I had Mar sing that song. That was a piece of "our" song. She kinda freeked out about it. Also the fact I RP…. that stuff with you.)

Looks around nervously uhmmmmmmm yeah….. RP purposes and character development for relationship development only!!!

Deleted user

6 hours isn't that long, it's not like he talked to me the entire time and kept me company instead of going on the rides because I hate roller coasters with a passion, and if I was left by myself I probably would have had a mental break down…. definitely not.

Lol keep telling yourself that.

is dying over here from your insistent obliviousness. He sKiPpeD RiDeS tO sTaY wItH yOu…. HOW MORE OBVIOUS DOES THIS GET?!?!?!?!!!!????


@Elder-God-Whisper work

May I suggest talking through writing? Write to her, and then talk to her about said written conversations when misunderstandings arise?

We have a notebook that I introduced recently, don't worry. She just had it for the weekend and we're still just trying to figure out how to work it out with switch-outs. Also she forgot it at home today.

Deleted user

Maybe try something online? A google document?


I can't just "Go get him" He's a human being you know also I'm not 16 yet so my abilities to "Go get" People are limited by the fact I can't date or be in a relationship.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I can't just "Go get him" He's a human being you know also I'm not 16 yet so my abilities to "Go get" People are limited by the fact I can't date or be in a relationship.

pounds head into my desk

Deleted user

Google docs works on your phone… (But I did forget about the at home tech issues….)

Deleted user

I can't just "Go get him" He's a human being you know also I'm not 16 yet so my abilities to "Go get" People are limited by the fact I can't date or be in a relationship.

pounds head into my desk


Deleted user

(remembers I should be memorizing Shakespear but doesn't care…)


I can't just "Go get him" He's a human being you know also I'm not 16 yet so my abilities to "Go get" People are limited by the fact I can't date or be in a relationship.

pounds head into my desk


You sound like Haley and Gwen and Greg and…. wait, Do all of my friends just keep telling me to tell him I like him


I have a feeling those three have already planed our wedding if I'm completely honest, they are way to invested. I asked them once jokingly and they gave each other this guilty look.