forum Crushes
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@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ugh…. That sucks. I see mine every school day for the most part, and I still can't kiss her!! What part of the world do you live in? How'd you meet your BF?


Ugh…. That sucks. I see mine every school day for the most part, and I still can't kiss her!! What part of the world do you live in? How'd you meet your BF?

i'm in canada and we met online abt a yr ago, but we only fell in love a few months ago cuz the timing was wrong last time we tried to date. he's gna move here to be with me tho!i just need to wait another year but god it's torture

why can't you kiss your gf??

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ok…. So my GF is not my GF. They're my SO. Why? Because their polyamorus and have a slight bit of a BF. I'm a very nervous bean who has never kissed anyone before and so, like an idiot, I've rejected their last few offers of a kiss and now we never have a quiet moment alone together where it could even possibly happen, and now she kissing her BF/not-BF and I don't feel right asking her about it now. I know she loves me, she says it all the time, but I feel like I should wait until there isn't a slightly scary guy who I'm afraid to hurt by kissing her because he's also a friend of mine who I know is slightly sensitive, however much he tries to hide it. But it just hurts every time she kisses him openly in front of me and I can't do the same to her. I have to settle for hugs and half-cuddles for now.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

sighs I know. She wants me to talk to her, but I have courage issues… also issues with the fact of accepting my feelings without trying to squash them….

@Elder-God-Whisper work

hangs head I know…. I just… Don't know how to talk to them about that… I know they like the fact that I accept that they are Poly, and I don't want them to take my hurt the wrong way…


BB that's not a healthy relationship. Most people would consider their SO having another gf/bf as cheating (I get they're polyamorous but… hm.) and, you know, tell them to DON'T.


I think the polyamorous relationship is fine. Having another BF is completely acceptable with her sexuality, but you do need to get a little more courage to make it work.


it's not wrong of you to feel shitty, it's just that you're not built to be in a polyam relationship. last year i had a boyfriend who was great, but wasn't quite fullfilling, i guess (which i hadnt realized), so we had an open relationship, and then we broke up after a couple months. which left julian thinking i was polyam. so when we started properly dating, he asked if he could hypothetically date someone else and i said that i'd realized that i wasn't polyam and i'd feel really shitty if he did that. so he didn't, and he got over like three of his crushes for me. (he also mostly wanted to date other ppl bc touch-starvedness, but idk what the case is for you guys)
as long as you explain properly, it's quite possible she'll break off other relationships for you. if she doesn't, then you were never meant to be together for a long time anyway.

Deleted user

Um… maybe start with the classical "We need to talk…"?

Deleted user

you can do it we believe in you I really hope it goes well

Deleted user

I hope things go well for you whisper!!
has no advice cause I have not been in a relationship


i get drunk-tired sometimes and when i'm drunk-tired my inhibitions Lower A Lot and i get sappy and yesterday night i sent jules a huge ass spam of dumb bullshit and switched halfway through it to romanian bc english wasn't rlly Expressing it properly i'm kfsgnkres he hasnt been online in forever i'm gna die when he sees it