forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


(look ik u guys r right but i feel like i have a whole different entity manning my thoughts right now and i know you're right but i'll keep contradicting you because i don't really know what else to do)



he;s online and we're gna vid nvm

I wanna say HA to your anxiety but I'm resisting the urge


Do you ever just look in the mirror and think "I'm a disgusting human being?"
And then slowly develop anorexia?
Like you know eating is healthy you just
At the same time
Don't believe it?
Ok that came from nowhere I'm sorry I'll leave now.


WoAh, woah woah girlie. I hate how society has developed this whole thin people (especially females) are prettier, better, etc. etc. Obviously if you have a serious physical condition because of weight, it could pose an issue. But regular people developing eating disorders makes me sad. MJ nooo eat.


Ughhh I'm sorry I didn't mean to come here and bother you with this I shouldn't have posted that ughh I suck I'm sorry (I'm trying to eat I am I just… hrngh Idowanna)


See that's ok. Working out is ok. Starving oneself is not. Also please be careful don't overwork yourself and it's not healthy to do so immediately after eating <3


ihad anorexia too, for a good part of 9th grade. i know it's hard but you need to remember that you can be happy without watching everything you do in relation to food.


he;s online and we're gna vid nvm

I wanna say HA to your anxiety but I'm resisting the urge

the videochat is over and i have tea


ihad anorexia too, for a good part of 9th grade. i know it's hard but you need to remember that you can be happy without watching everything you do in relation to food.


the videochat is over and i have tea



-he showed up in a harry potter tank top with wet messy hair and i just said oh my god for a good five minutes
-we mostly just stared at each other and giggled and made stupid faces
-he made an ugly face at me so i Bit My Pen in retaliation and he started laughing really hard


-he said happy birthday to me even tho he already said it last night at like 2 am when i wasnt even on
-he's so gorgeous i wanna cry


I. Can't. Even.
worships the purity out of that third statement

the reason why i did that is because i know he thinks it's hot so not That Pure