forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


staring wistfully out the window i could write poetry to the shape of his shoulders
wait fuck i already did but when i wrote that i'd only seen him in like 3 layered sweatshirts so i thought his shoulders were big but now i know they're slender andgorgeous so it would be a different kind of poetry


I. Can't. Even.
worships the purity out of that third statement

the reason why i did that is because i know he thinks it's hot so not That Pure

continues worshiping

Deleted user

Omg hahaha ya’ll are just too cute and after reading all of this I am really glad that I started this chat because the cuteness overload in here is just amazing


You guys are all so cute. I’m lucky to see my crush more than once a week, let alone actually getting the chance to talk to him more than once a month

Deleted user

It's my last week of school, and I'm gonna do it for real this time.

I'm gonna actually strike up a conversation with my crush.

Yay! You go!

Deleted user

If my crush is single by the end of next school year (we will go to different schools after that) I will ask him out or at least confess my feelings

@Elder-God-Whisper work

applauds your bravery. And I can't even talk to the girl I know likes me back about those things… {tried to ask her on a date once. Accidentally got stood up.}


I haven't spoken to the guy I like in three months. just making eye contact for two seconds in the hallway feels like getting hit by a truck, and there are only a few more days of school left until break and that means no more walking past him in the hallway anymore and that makes me sad for some weird reason, I'm literally useless jsdfhgksdjfshg

Deleted user

Does anyone else feel like you have one person that you will never ever kinda forget? Like, that one person that you are never completely over? I know I have, at least…

@Pickles group

Does anyone else feel like you have one person that you will never ever kinda forget? Like, that one person that you are never completely over? I know I have, at least…

Did you mean the reason I have trust issues and refuse to be actually romantically involved with and also the reason I don't want to be alone with my thoughts for too long

Deleted user

Okay here comes some depressing shit, it’s storytime

I have this one guy… We were really good friends before, I met him in kindergarten and we were friends until Grade 6. I had a crush on him for a really long time and even though he never actually said it, I knew he had a crush on me too. Everybody knew that we liked each other, the teachers knew it, our parents knew it, our class knew it. He is one of the greatest persons I have ever met in my entire life. We had a couple of cute and meaningfull moments together. After grade 6 we swithched classes, and started in different classes at the same school. I still kinda had a crush on him, but I was busy trying to fit in and make friends in my new class. We said hi in the halls, and at the disco for the entire grade we spoke a short while. But then… for some reason we stopped talking. Now he doesn’t even look at me when I see him in the halls. And I miss him a lot. I think that I might still have a crush on him, but I would be okay with just being friends as well. I love that boy, and I miss him being in my life. I hear about him from friends every now and then, about who he has crushes on, who he talks to. And honestly it sucks. Even though I have had crushes on other guys meanwhile, I still keep coming back to missing him.