forum Crushes
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@Knight-Shives group

My Freaking Crush has signed up to go to the same event I will be going to. THIS IS JUST GREAT. I'll be stuck with him, 2 friends, a teacher, and a few other volunteers, along with china students hiking in the middle of nowhere.


I'm rereading that over and over trying to figure out if it's sarcastic or genuine I can hear it in both tones I'm taking a wild stab and saying it's sarcastic somebody send help


Elaborate if you want to, it's just hard to convey tone through writing sometimes. But luckkyy youuu getting to spend time with a small group which happens to include your crush!! ;)

@Knight-Shives group

Basically I signed up to do activities at my school while there are students from China here. And well my teacher handed me an itenirary and at the top it said to and the names of everyone who signed up. And it includes my crush. He has never really talked to me other than a nod and a yes for questions like hey the bus is full can I sit with you and other questions along those lines.


(sorry to interject but there was a chance me and jules might've been able to bideo today and i'm sitting here and he's not online and i'm :(( )


i fuckin hate that the second he's in any way not around or not verbally affectionate my anxiety tells me that he hates me
like i know it's not true because today he was tired and he told me that he just had a rush of such intense love for me that he felt like crying
but is it? who knows!


Oh my stars, same! But… with normal people. I just feel like I'm a generally super-fricking-annoying person and when I leave I always think, "they're thinking: finally, she's leaving. It's about time." Like… I don't think that everyone really thinks this, but… I honestly can't even stand myself half the time, so… I don't believe myself when I tell myself that not everyone hates me.


Oh my stars, same! But… with normal people. I just feel like I'm a generally super-fricking-annoying person and when I leave I always think, "they're thinking: finally, she's leaving. It's about time." Like… I don't think that everyone really thinks this, but… I honestly can't even stand myself half the time, so… I don't believe myself when I tell myself that not everyone hates me.


I never thought I'd relate to anything in this thread


I never thought I'd relate to anything in this thread

Okay but same cause… nervous laughter no one I know likes me and is gay and I'm too much of a wimp to confess to anyone, so… ahaha. Ha. H e h e. [Has mental breakdown] But it's fine though.


like what if i'm just annoying him cuz i keep suggesting we video and he says maybe bc his parents r usually at home and then i'm online waiting for him and he's not even online to tell me he cant talk


I don't have any crushes, not even fictional ones, and no one I know has shown any signs of liking me.
…Which is probably a good thing, because the only people I know IRL are 6-year-olds, my siblings, and other girls.


There is no fucking way ahem excuse my cursing that you annoy him. You guys are literally like a couple straight out of a book/movie. It's fucking adorable and pure and a;lsdknvaefnv.


There is no fucking way ahem excuse my cursing that you annoy him. You guys are literally like a couple straight out of a book/movie. It's fucking adorable and pure and a;lsdknvaefnv.



i fuckin hate that the second he's in any way not around or not verbally affectionate my anxiety tells me that he hates me
like i know it's not true because today he was tired and he told me that he just had a rush of such intense love for me that he felt like crying

That's how I know. I know it's not you thinking those thoughts but your anxiety. Right now fear's talking, not logic.



(look ik u guys r right but i feel like i have a whole different entity manning my thoughts right now and i know you're right but i'll keep contradicting you because i don't really know what else to do)