forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


yes. yes, angelina, I have. don't call me rookie you wimp. And I'm not your pet. Coward.


That's it. That's the tea.
But also she yeeted her phone across the room and it landed somewhere in between her bed, the wall, and the bedframe and we spent like half an hour looking for it


Yeah, I called it and it vibrated the bed, and eventually I was just like
"Y'know it appears to be inside the wood"
"tHaT's iMpOsSiBLe"


it's never happened, whenever I yeet my phone it doesn't usually land there, since my bed doesn't have a bedframe that big. and that was the first time I was in her room


awoiejnv you need to remember this date Loops and the time and the location… your first kiss with your first gf the first time you were in her bedroom… don't touch me I'm soft


Dude I can't my uwus are being stolen at an alarmingly fast rate and
looks at heart guys it melted wait… it fucking evaporated


i was videoing with julian and here's a list of the dumb gay shit we did:

-i stared at him and he was like "what" and i just mumbled "i'm so gay rn" and he just Smirked

  • both of us laid in bed and then he was like "aww it's like we're laying in bed next to each other" and i got up, took my glasses off, and took a few deep breaths because he was sprawled on his side and he was Looking at me and god fuck he was gorgeous i just. hnhnnnhn i am Haunted by that image

  • i lightly bit on my pen and he looked at my mouth and his lips parted and he kind of Poked his tongue out and i was like "what the fuck was that" and he abruptly looks away and he's like "n o th i n g"

-we're gna write a story together and we talked about that

-ggod the fuckingggg. Look he gave me when he was laying in bed i'm still not over that he was so beautiful i wanna cry you guys dont understand

-me, looking away from him laying in bed: "stop sitting like that"
him, innocently: is this turning you on?
me, internally: no but i'm starting to see what it would be like to wake up next to you and i can't deal with that
me, externally: krgjbsjkejh nO

  • he kept taking his sweater off and putting it back on and i was like "show off"

-we showed off our biceps and he complained that mine are bigger (he's right)