forum Crushes
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SEURGYHUJIOGYDYRFGHUIOUY I think only soup and amber have seen what I actually look like so i dont think im that adorable but stilllllllllllllllllll


i'm listening to wasteland baby! and i'm looking at pynch pinterest posts and waiting for julian to send me pics of him in a leather jacket bc i told him that i have a thing for punk, and i have this really weird feeling in my chest what the fuck is this


guys what the fuck is this it's like vivid and light pink and cream-colored and i feel like my heart is being tugged in a few different directions but not necessarily in a bad way and i just. what the fuck??

@soupnana group

SEURGYHUJIOGYDYRFGHUIOUY I think only soup and amber have seen what I actually look like so i dont think im that adorable but stilllllllllllllllllll

I can attest that you are one of the most adorable humans ever. I ship Moops forever. Honestly, while watching your audition and your cute little awkward remarks I could only go, "aw what a precious little bean!"
Speaking of said audition, I must say that you were amazing. I said this before, but I'll say it again, you did a really good job, and you totally sound like a movie star.

@soupnana group

guys what the frick is this it's like vivid and light pink and cream-colored and i feel like my heart is being tugged in a few different directions but not necessarily in a bad way and i just. what the frick??

That my dear is called love. Or a heart problem…


guys what the frick is this it's like vivid and light pink and cream-colored and i feel like my heart is being tugged in a few different directions but not necessarily in a bad way and i just. what the frick??

That my dear is called love. Or a heart problem…

a heart problem i'm wheezing i already know what being in love is like cuz ya know julian and several others before him but it usually doesnt feel like This
yeah the Feeling was annoying me so i wrote a poem about the way it felt and it stopped we gucci


SEURGYHUJIOGYDYRFGHUIOUY I think only soup and amber have seen what I actually look like so i dont think im that adorable but stilllllllllllllllllll

I can attest that you are one of the most adorable humans ever. I ship Moops forever. Honestly, while watching your audition and your cute little awkward remarks I could only go, "aw what a precious little bean!"
Speaking of said audition, I must say that you were amazing. I said this before, but I'll say it again, you did a really good job, and you totally sound like a movie star.

That's the best compliment I've gotten in a really long time oh my god thank you


i did text him and ik he's busy helping his grandpa so he wont be on until he goes to bed but hnn :((

aww! was it good?? i rlly wanna see it


he's literally the first and last thing i think of when i go to sleep and when i wake up this is as gay as it gets.
also we were sharing cough fantasies and turns out we had the same one


oh my god that's so freaking cute
Also so my mom drove us to the theatre in her nice SUV and the little music and trendy bag and all
And then my dad drove us back in his beat-up toyota swerving like a gazelle with the windows down and rush and chicago blaring and random papers and bunker stuff all over the floor and this is why I love my dad and not my mom


I am well aware
there was like a sports fishing guide next to apartment rent papers next to a chinese magazine next to a giant freaking comforter and I love it and I'm pretty sure mia loved it too

@soupnana group

Pfft. Loops, I think you are the only person I know who would prefer your dad's epic car ride to your mom. My school is chalk full of preppy little buttheads who rely on their parents for literally everything, and they would much rather be going on a date, with their mom driving in a nice, safe car and being all PTA mom, rather than a awesome, somewhat nerve wracking ride with their father. Lol.

Deleted user

I am late for this convo but y’all are so freaking cute (I’m pretty sure you knew that already lol)!!


me, like 4 months ago: writes a poem for julian
the poem: hey i'm really tired of this shitty world and i'm pretty sure we were meant to be together since the big bang because we're linked on a molecular level so like i just wanna hug you and turn into trees with you also we're like immortal so we're gna be here until the world ends and i kinda hate it but i love you so it's fine

also me, 2 days after writing it: oh lmao uhhh no we don't have romantic feelings for each other we're just qpps lmao like we love each other but like platonic homo

god i was so fucking stupid