forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


ejrkgknkr i showed him an excerpt of a pynch scene from the raven cycle and he said the writing sounds like mine and i. that's the nicest thing he could've possibly said abt my writing oh my god???


i told him that and he said "if that's the nicest thing i've ever told you abt ur writing then i need to start being more articulate" what did i do to deserve this boy


he's got big brown puppy dog eyes and dark brown hair and sort of a bowlcut but he's turned it into an undercut, and his nose is like, small but skinny, and his lower lip sticks out just a bit so he looks like he's pouting 24/7, and he's usually wearing a big hoodie.


(and lovely spidery hands that i never shut the fuck up abt and have written poems abt and it rlly kills him bc he hates his hands bc he thinks they're too fem but rhdbgsse they're so pretty)


Holy frick this is the most innocent and cutest thing I have ever read in my life…

(you wouldn't say that if you knew that i just teased him until he was rendered to continuous keysmashing but ok)