forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


we just kept laughing and giggling at each other and then i fixed my lipstick using the camera as a mirror and he his face in his hands i wanna dksbszruf


so julian said he wants to move here to go to college here because of ME and it's been two days and i'm still processing that (clarification, he's american, i'm in canada)

Deleted user

I have four fav ships… Moops & Juliar are two of them and then there is a ship between my bestie and the guys she likes (who seems to like her back and it’s soo freaking obvious like how can they not see it) and then the fourth ship is my other bestie and her boyfriend but they broke uppppp and it’s sad
But I’m glad that it’s going so well for Juliar and Moops!


mia was sick today so if she was going to kiss me she couldn't…but on the bright side she called me "darling" and when we were facetiming after my choir rehearsal she didn't speak for a while and then apologized and said "sorry, I'm just so focused on how adorable you are" like mmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaa