forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Awww that’s so cute!! Definetly soulmate au

(And please try to stop hating yourself! People don’t hate you, and especially not Julian! I obviously don’t know him, but it just sounds like he is too shy to text you first and that’s why he never does, he doesn’t think you’re annoying. You seem like a great person, don’t let anyone or anything convince you any different.)


so julian decided to send me a bunch of stuff translated in romanian
so far i've had:
"i love you imputit (which is a really nasty word that technically means filthy but translates to piece of shit and he didnt know that, he just wanted to call me stinky)"
"sweetheart (but nobody says "dulceata" unless they're a 50 yr old condescending woman)"
"stay with me" (well translated)
"i miss you" (well translated)
"much gay"
"i want to put flowers in your hair" (not that well translated but gets the point across)
"and go lick your own face" ( "your" was the polite formal form too)


me: i gotta go
julian: ok te iubesc-
me, thinking he remembered it from the times i said it to him: :00000
julian: imputit (piece of shit)
me, realizing he used google translate:


Also, she told me not to tell anyone but I'm a terrible friend so I have to scream it at the top of my lungs at internet strangers:


What surprises me the most is he's a real human, unlike all her 8,000+ past crushes

@Pickles group

It gets real cringy when everyone's using google translate to talk in another language and the one person that speaks the language is like "wtf guys"

Deleted user

Hey do ya’ll remember that hot douchebag in my class that I told you about a while ago? Well he got glasses yesterday and that only makes him about a thousand times hotter than he already is, so… let’s just say I’m having a bit of a hard time concentrating in class


i was videoing w jules yesterday after like 2 weeks of not managing to
and he's so cute i wanna Die
he was fixing his hair in the mirror and i Looked Away and he was like "what" and i looked down and i mumbled "your face is really close to the camera" and he smirked and SHOVED HIS FACE IN THE FUCKING CAMERA I'M EWTF DECEASED
also we were talking abt costs for when we're gna live together and it suddenly clicked for him that this is rlly gna happen and we both started freaking out and like yelling dumb shit at each other
and then later we were texting and i got a sudden image of him singing in the shower of our apartment and i kjdnfjesrnjbhktnrjh
and this morning i was like half-asleep in bed and i thought of him like hugging my waist and saying good morning skdjfshgkrtnkrhtfhnrt
i'm so red rn