forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


also can we please discuss

i lightly bit on my pen and he looked at my mouth and his lips parted and he kind of Poked his tongue out and i was like "what the fuck was that" and he abruptly looks away and he's like "n o th i n g"

this/?? because i still have no idea what the fuck that was


  • both of us laid in bed and then he was like "aww it's like we're laying in bed next to each other" and i got up, took my glasses off, and took a few deep breaths because he was sprawled on his side and he was Looking at me and god fuck he was gorgeous i just. hnhnnnhn i am Haunted by that image

Omg that is actually so adorable awwwwieeeee and he is freaking smooth

  • i lightly bit on my pen and he looked at my mouth and his lips parted and he kind of Poked his tongue out and i was like "what the fuck was that" and he abruptly looks away and he's like "n o th i n g"

someone's wants to kiss you

-ggod the fuckingggg. Look he gave me when he was laying in bed i'm still not over that he was so beautiful i wanna cry you guys dont understand

dies All of this is so cute I can't even make this shiz up

-me, looking away from him laying in bed: "stop sitting like that"
him, innocently: is this turning you on?

hmm 'innocently', huh?


ayy Ella same… but you are still young, you don't have to rush into this. who am I kidding I'm only a year older than you, if that XD

Deleted user

Fedgrdfggrdgrf how the frick can ya’ll be so cute

Deleted user

I’m sitting in the classroom right now, hearing my crush talk about how amazing his girlfriend is behind me. This sucks.

Deleted user

Is he for real kidding me does he have to talk about her this much

Deleted user

Fuck I don’t wanna listen to this but I do anyways

@soupnana group

Oof. I'm sorry about that.
Also, uh, something really weird happened on the last day of school. Basically, this one kid wrote this in my yearbook. "Your gorgeous and I have low key started to like you. Your so fun and amazing. Everything about you is. Love you!" Uh, what? And that's letter for letter. He wrote the yours wrong. Anyways, he's sorta nice, but not really. He kinda hates on anyone and everyone and he's blunt about things you shouldn't be blunt about. Idk. I don't really like him back, and my biggest issue is how to let him down. I am wondering if I should be nice or no, because seriously this guy goes through girlfriends faster than I go through sketchbooks. That's pretty fricken fast.


'He wrote the yours wrong.' Honestly me.
But anyway, I agree with Swim. If you don't like the type of person he says, tell him bluntly. And the note is pretty cute, but nahh.


if you dont like him back then just say "hey, look, i don't wanna upset you or anything but i'm not interested in you like that. sorry! i'm sure you'll find someone who likes you back tho"

Deleted user

Ugh okay I have a story here, not a good one but still…

So, I have this friend. A guy. He’s one of my best friends, and I love hanging out with him. But… lately I have been getting the vibes that he might be into me like having a crush on me. And since we have known each other a really long time and he already know all of my bad sides and so, I feel like it’s probably not a brief crush but more like a deeper one. When he looks at me it’s with… you know. That look.

So today me, him and my bestie were hanging out a while after school. It was sunny and really nice and we were running around the football field and doing weird and crazy stuff in general. I had already talked to him a lot, more than usual during the day. And then… somehow we start to talk about crushes. And he asks me if I have a crush on someone. He doesn’t ask my bestie, and when she starts talking about her crush he barely cares. He just asks me, and I - being the dumbass I am - says ”yes, but I’m not telling you who”. And he just smiles at me with that look on his face and says ”no, I assumed so”. Then we go on talking and we start talking about my besties crush instead, she tells him ”I’m not gonna say who my crush is either, but for the record it’s not you”. They have known each other for much longer than I have known him, so they both agreed on that that would be weird. And when she says that, he just looks over at me instead.

Guys… I think that since I didn’t tell him who I liked, he now thinks that I like him. And I don’t, not in that way. And I realise now that some how my actions could have been taken for flirting, even though I haven’t meant it that way. Most of my class are already shipping us. I don’t know how to let him down if he confesses his feelings… I still want to be friends with him. And we are good friends now, but I’m not sure that we are good enough so that our friendship could take me letting him down like that, especially if it’s more than a brief crush…