forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


So we were sitting on the floor right, gay as can be, and we were sitting so she was basically in my lap and eodkdkgkdjvkfkjddj. And then. Andnsjck and so she was playing with my hair and she stopped and I’m like “what” and she’s like “in my mind I was thinking like MIA YOURE FLIRTING DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN” and it was hecc y’all don’t understand

And so once she was just like “yeet” and just fzunking Olympic dove on top of me and it’s like fkrkkdekfkkjdhjwnfAnd then so I really wanted to kiss her and I couldn’t and she was like “just fzunking kiss me already” and I’m like hnnnnhnnhnnn I can’t and she’s like “too mcfzunnkibg bad” and I’m like whatever and so eventually I kiss her and she’s very happy for me and all


Wait reallly!
I wish my iPhone 5 could actually work but nooo the touchscreen isn't reacting so I can't text Em about all this teeaaaa

@Elder-God-Whisper work

So we were sitting on the floor right, gay as can be, and we were sitting so she was basically in my lap and eodkdkgkdjvkfkjddj. And then. Andnsjck and so she was playing with my hair and she stopped and I’m like “what” and she’s like “in my mind I was thinking like MIA YOURE FLIRTING DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN” and it was hecc y’all don’t understand

And so once she was just like “yeet” and just fzunking Olympic dove on top of me and it’s like fkrkkdekfkkjdhjwnfAnd then so I really wanted to kiss her and I couldn’t and she was like “just fzunking kiss me already” and I’m like hnnnnhnnhnnn I can’t and she’s like “too mcfzunnkibg bad” and I’m like whatever and so eventually I kiss her and she’s very happy for me and all

Why does this feel like me and my SO? It's hilarious.

@Pickles group

Why are all of my friends bi?? (Not tryna offend anyone, i just think it's strange) Like, I met one of my now friends and I found out she was bi a little after that, another one of my friends told me she was bi (I was like the last to know, and we're not really friends anymore but it has nothing to do with that) and another one of my friends told me she was bi (after she went to the guidance counselor and the guidance counselor told her she was lesbian because girls kept giving her their numbers) and after that ANOTHER friend told me she might be bi soooooo. Idk. It's really weird am I going crazy? Is it not weird? Also, I have like, two other friends so it's a lot of my friends

Deleted user

I have one lesbian friend who came out to me just a while ago, but other than that all my irl friends are straight… though I have my suspicions that all of them might not be


It's interesting - people are a lot more open about sexuality on the internet, I think.

That's true definitely like I can't scream "I'm Gay" out loud while I'm in class, but while I'm here…


Deleted user

For me, basically everyone I know IRL is 100% straight, but almost all my internet friends are bi/gay/ace/other

This is very true…

Deleted user

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only straight person in some conversations, but I don’t mind, I like having a lot of different friends. It gets a little boring after a while in school, all the kiddos being completely straight and all crushing on the same hot person…

@Pickles group

Gsh my friend had to tell me to stop her when she started to talk about boys because I'm the only one she could trust to do it in our group. Probably because when anyone talks about hot guys I go into ace confusionTM


I have no hecking idea what I am. I think I might be aro since I can't… like/love anybody? Like sure some guys/girls are cute, but I can never move past the - you'd seem like a good friend stage.