forum Crushes
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Deleted user

But I’m not completely sure who my crush is? I liked loved, who am I kidding this one guy, let’s call him Dave, for a really long time, but then I found out that he 1) is a player, 2) already has a girlfriend and 3) has also switched girlfriend from the last one I found out about. So… I kinda still like him, but I don’t wanna tell Ivar (my guy friend) that since he then might think that he still has a chance since Dave already has a gf. And I don’t wanna lie to Ivar by saying that I like someone that I don’t like…


uh… maybe next time y'all talk about crushes, hint at a feature Dave has and Ivar doesn't?


julian's self-control lowers the later it gets and yesterday (or should i say today) he sent me this at 2 am


btw this is why ur pen biting gave me a stroke ok u looked exactly like this and my brain short circuited
12 hours ago

also just in general it was pretty sexy of u and im gay
12 hours ago


i'm so gay ggod
he also sent me this a few hours later i'm yodelling

mental breakdown im think im gay h? how u
7 hours ago


@Elder-God-Whisper work

Okay, so I've said I have an SO. This is only partly true. I just don't know what else to call her. She's polyamorous, and has dated several people before now, but only one person at a time. She says that she loves me and etc. but she rarely acts on it and we act more like we're best friends with benefits, and it slightly hurts when I see her kiss other people but she never- sksksksk… I jUsT wAnT tO fEel wAnTeD…. [even though she says she wants me all the time.] just has mental breakdown and cries


(Y'all I'm really late to this conversation and I'm sorry to interrupt Idk how I didn't find it before but like
First of all this chat is beautiful and adorable and perfect
Second of all… I think I have a crush on my best friend that I've known since we were 5 and I know she's bi but like Idk if she even likes me or nah but I don't wanna take the risk of asking her out cause it would make our friendship awkward if she said no and I HNGG
Okay sorry for interrupting continue being wonderful)

Deleted user

Okay, so I've said I have an SO. This is only partly true. I just don't know what else to call her. She's polyamorous, and has dated several people before now, but only one person at a time. She says that she loves me and etc. but she rarely acts on it and we act more like we're best friends with benefits, and it slightly hurts when I see her kiss other people but she never- sksksksk… I jUsT wAnT tO fEel wAnTeD…. [even though she says she wants me all the time.] just has mental breakdown and cries

Um… this might be a stupid advice, but have you tried to talk to her about it?

Deleted user

(Y'all I'm really late to this conversation and I'm sorry to interrupt Idk how I didn't find it before but like
First of all this chat is beautiful and adorable and perfect
Second of all… I think I have a crush on my best friend that I've known since we were 5 and I know she's bi but like Idk if she even likes me or nah but I don't wanna take the risk of asking her out cause it would make our friendship awkward if she said no and I HNGG
Okay sorry for interrupting continue being wonderful)

Maybe start simple? Like, if you two are besties then maybe ask her if she has a crush on someone? You don’t have to ask her straight forward if she wants to go on a date, you could just ’do some snooping’ and see if she sends out any signals? Or just ask another friend to sneakily bring the subject up with her. That’s what my friend did when my other friend had a crush on a girl and wondered if she was lesbian or not…


Okay, so I've said I have an SO. This is only partly true. I just don't know what else to call her. She's polyamorous, and has dated several people before now, but only one person at a time. She says that she loves me and etc. but she rarely acts on it and we act more like we're best friends with benefits, and it slightly hurts when I see her kiss other people but she never- sksksksk… I jUsT wAnT tO fEel wAnTeD…. [even though she says she wants me all the time.] just has mental breakdown and cries

tell her that you'd rather not be in an open relationship. if it bothers you this much you really shouldn't be in a polyam relationship. if she does love you, she'll drop everyone for you. that's what me and jules did, at least.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ok, so I'm not a person who's confident enough to ask her about this. And it doesn't bother me so much that she's in a relationship with other people, it's just that I don't even know where I exist in her life, because she'll say so many contradictory things about it. IHaveADamProblem, your idea about having a friend subtly ask might actually be a good idea, thank you. But I know she has other people she likes {I mean, she kisses this one guy I know all the time in front of me}. I just… wish I could have that kind of relationship with her as well… without all these complications…