forum Crushes
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Deleted user

Wow. Now I only made myself even more pissed off at him.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Is there a word for… I dunno how to describe this. When you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your life with someone as in a relationship, loving and caring for them and the romantic stuff and so on, but at the same time you don't want the intimate stuff with them? Stuff like sex and kissing and so on. And this feeling only affects on one person, not all my crushes?

I think I have told ya'll about him before. Ivar. My close friend who seems like he would do anything for me and seems to have feelings for me. He's nerdy, nice, not very good looking, funny, genuine and caring. I have really fun when I'm with him. If I'm having a bad day, he is one of the few people who can actually make it better just by talking to me. And… I have no idea of what I feel for him. Is it just a friendship? Is it more? I feel like it could be more, but I don't really wanna kiss him or anything like that. Is there a word for that? Would it work out since we are friends and we have other friends that would maybe get in the middle of it? I am literal confusion over here.

Oof, there's a word I knew for a friendship with the level of commitment as a relationship, but you're literally just friends, AND I CAN'T FIND THE WORD!!


Oof, there's a word I knew for a friendship with the level of commitment as a relationship, but you're literally just friends, AND I CAN'T FIND THE WORD!!

whispers queerplatonic partners


also UPDATE!!!!!!!!! jules didnt have his phone taken away and he messaged me a bunch of gay things and called me his future husband and i'mso bfucking gay i love him

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Oof, there's a word I knew for a friendship with the level of commitment as a relationship, but you're literally just friends, AND I CAN'T FIND THE WORD!!

whispers queerplatonic partners

(whipers back Thought it was something different, but thanks)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

also UPDATE!!!!!!!!! jules didnt have his phone taken away and he messaged me a bunch of gay things and called me his future husband and i'mso bfucking gay i love him


Deleted user

This thread reminded me of the crush I have/had idk it's summer break rn and he doesn't have my number or any way of contacting me and I miss him soooo much :'(

Deleted user

Thanks, but at least there is this summer camp thing in July, for student council, that I know he is going to because he is president and I'm the council representative, so I get to see him then!!
I would tell y'all stories about him and I, but there aren't really any… I could tell you about my confession attempt…

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Go ahead! Also, good job on getting to be council representative! {I wanted to get on my school's student council, but my grades are trash because of a series of unfortunate events, so I couldn't…}

Deleted user

-Approximately a month before the end of school-

I was finally convinced to confess to Him by some internet friends and myself. I had a couple of ideas, of which I don't remember. I thought about it for maybe a week and finally decided on writing a letter to him. I'm wayyy to shy to talk to him about stuff like that in person.

-About 3 weeks until the end of shool-

I wrote a letter, it was actually really sweet and I felt proud of myself. Now, to deliver it. I had originally planned on sneaking it into his music folder. We had a band concert and I thought that would be the perfect time…….. there was not a single time when I could. it was either under his tuba, he was holding it, or it was on his music stand. I considered that a failed mission. But I was determined to deliver it, so I kept my eyes wide open for an opportunity during class. Nope. Still no chance at all. That day after school I was thinking hard about how to deliver it, I couldn't keep failing. The perfect idea came to my mind. Locker. Put it in his locker. Our lockers are quite close so I knew which one it was. The lockers have those vent things at the top, so I was thinking of slipping it through there. The next day, I asked to go to the bathroom in band class and I easily put the note in his locker. Success! Now for his response… I had put both my instagram and my email in the letter so he could contact me, but no. Nothing.

-2 weeks until the end of school-

Still, nothing what so ever, not even a chance in attitude or anything. I decided to have one of my friends, that are friends with him, ask him if he has seen a letter. She asked him and apparently, he said no. But the next day (I think) he followed me on instagram, out of the blue. So that lead me to think he saw the letter.

-The last week of school-

Still, there was nothing at ALL!! There happened to be a dance on the 2nd-to-last day of school and I really wanted to go with Him, but I was to shy to ask him. My friends were telling me I should ask him, but nope. I got him to sign my yearbook and that's about it.

So that was my first ever attempt to confess to anyone.

Deleted user

I think so? He's like both shy and not shy, kinda like me I guess actually.