forum Crushes
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Deleted user

Yea, I'm very interested to see what happens in our next encounters though.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ok, so there was this one kid i absolutely hate. No reason why, just got bad vibes off him, so I try to be polite, and nice, but if I can avoid him, I will. But I had this amazing idea when my library decided to sell valentine coupons for the coffee and hot chocolate they sell there. I bought one. I used his full name in addressing it. (Middle name and everything, which was really hard because he has a Bulgarian/Ukrainian name.) Then when I had to write in who it was from, I put "your semi-hater". Time skip to a few weeks later. My class was in the computer lab doing things for science. He was in my class. I'm turned away from him, facing the opposite wall than him and his friends and suddenly I hear the group's conversation turn to the valentines from a few weeks ago. I hear him say, "Ok, so here's a story about that. So I got a valentine, right? It was labelled "from your semi-hater". I thought it was from my GF because I had given her a good one, but when I asked her about it, she said it wasn't from her." And that's all I heard because I was now just focused on trying not to burst out laughing. So I'm just sitting there with my back to them, shoulders shaking as I try not to lose my cool.


Love those types of situations. They're completely oblivious and you're dying from knowledge.

Deleted user

I absolutely love when that happens! When you are on the other end of that though… it's rough

Deleted user

He probably does, I know plenty of people who deserve that…

Deleted user

Has anyone on here seen The Notebook? It's a bit off topic but I mean it has to do with crushes and love and stuff so… yeah.



i have more details
message #1: "god i'm so homo for u"
message #1 part 2:" (my name) is such a nice name i'm. mr (my name) i'm taking ur name as my surname"

(later in the convo i said "ya but i'd rather u took my surname" and then he said "too bad now i'm julian (my name)" )

message #2 part #1: "i was thinking about u today i dont remember what but it made me laugh also my mom told me to tell my future husband to grow a beard so grow a beard hubby uhh"
msg #2 part #2:"i miss u and i want to cuddle i'm gay"

i think i'm disintegrating


Lmao sorry Idk why I'm so salty today but like
You're too adorable
It's not ok
I think it's illegal to be that adorable.

@Trix doesn't have any synonyms for 'aww'
…I might have to breach the dangers of urban dictionary…

@hollow-boned doesn't have any synonyms for 'aww'
…I might have to breach the dangers of urban dictionary…

"my uwus have been snatched/stolen"
"ur filling me with uwus"