forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


i'm sorry why y'all not dating yet



I- I just gotta really emphasize that:


I'm Crying but trying really hard not to and he's just like, "It's okay to cry, that ending was bitter sweet you can cry over it." And then we get back on the bus, (This was a school trip) and we have a 4 hour drive back home, we're just talking for the better part of 3 hours, He got me tell him the entire plot of one of my books , we talked about Lord of the Rings, he sang Into the West (I love his voice so flipping much ) we're about an hour away from the school it's 1:30 am and he mentions that he has homework that he's not going to do, this is shocking because he's a straight A student. I mention that I am going to do my homework and he just looks at me like I'm crazy, and tells me very strongly to "Don't do your homework, Gina you're going to be exhausted, Gina we have seminary (Early morning scripture study that starts at 5:40am) tomorrow you have to wake up at five! Don't do your homework!" and then I tell him I am going to do my homework he tells me to just sleep right now because getting 1 hour of sleep is not good. Then he gets even more worried when I tell him that's really not that rare for me because I have insomnia, any who he then convinces me to try to sleep on the bus which doesn't work because I'm nocturnal. when we're about 20 minutes away from the school he wakes up looks over at me and I lift up my head and he just says in the saddest most concerned voice, "Aww I though you would be asleep." And when we get off the bus he makes me promise to not do more then 30 minutes of homework and just tells me to , "Please get sleep." Before he leaves and goes home. The end.


i'm sorry why y'all not dating yet

We're both not allowed to until we're 16 he turned 26 a week and a half ago but I don't turn 16 untill November

Deleted user

my crush is super fake tbh

Hmmm Sips tea do tell


Deleted user

And omigods Rels he seems so cute and amazing and dude never let go of that boy okay he's sooo a keeper

Deleted user

I miss him so hecking much, it's not fair. See unlike most humans I don't have a phone so I can't text him or anything, No contact. I'mmmm Upset and sad because Twenty different times today I've been like, "Oh I should tell Brodric about this tomorrow, Oh wait, There's no more school I can't do that"

I feel the exact same way. Except I have a phone but I can't have friends numbers so…

Deleted user

Wow. Now I feel really lucky that I have my crush's number…


I feel really lucky I don't have a crush… don't have to deal with this over summer… or drama… any other part of the year… or awkward social interaction… eye contact… ugh… freaking relationships… complex little things… jealousy… now I'm just ranting… making myself more uncomfortable by the second…