forum Crushes
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…she's in a happy relationship? The 'married' thing was an exaggeration, obviously, but age doesn't always define maturity.


No that's fine. There are good relationships at young ages. But there are also unhealthy ones - you had a point.

@Pickles group

….every single relationship I've seen at your age wasn't good but I don't know you guys and I dont go to your school sooo

Deleted user

Ever design a character who's your ideal waifu/husbando and crush on them? No?

Yes. My boi Felix. Some of you know him already. But then I accidentally made him gay, so… yeah. And the worst part is that I designed him to be a male version of me, meaning that I more or less have a crush on my fictional self… wow. That escalated quickly.

Deleted user

I know… I have a serious problem. No wait, I have a dam problem.


And it is now… as the last minutes of the day tic by, that my thoughts turn to Him and how amazing he is, now that the world around me is silent and the small children are all asleep a comfortable quiet allows my thoughts to return to him,
I miss that boy and his warm smile, I miss the way he geeks out about vocal techniques, I miss the way He's always folding tiny paper cranes and placing them around the school for people to find as 'Happy surprises', I miss the way his face lights up when all the peaces of a puzzle click together in his mind, I miss how he'd dramatically role his eye's when I'm joking around with him, and how he talks about his favorite book. I miss his flustered face when you ask him to talk about literally anything, I love how when you do ask he tends to talk about some weird physics trick or something math related. I miss how he intercepts my circles and lets me run into him and just stand leaning on him for a moment when he knows I need the comfort of physical contact, I miss the way He quietly tells me it's okay to cry when I'm fighting back tears, I miss the way he silently tells me to drop my hands because what ever the problem is it wont be solved through self destruction . I miss the way he closes his eye's when he listens to music, and how he tends to just silently keep me company when I just don't want to be alone, I miss how open and honest he is with me. I miss his instant understanding, his acceptance of who I am, his warm eye's and comforting gaze. I just miss him ok and I'm definitely not crying about it because it's stupid, and I feel silly writing this because oh heavens it's so cheesy.

Deleted user

Goddammit Rels it's cheesy but still so incredibly cute and fucking perfectly adorable that the cheesyness doesn't even matter


You know what was beautiful? When you slipped and wrote, "I love" instead of "I miss".

Garbled collection of syllables and noises I did what now?


Well in real life His Name is Brodric and mine is Gina so good luck, His code name is Page boy (My sister and I went through all the Barbie movies and decided he's the most like Julian in Princess in the pauper, Julian gets Called Page boy by the bad guy if you're wondering )

Deleted user

Gina + Brodric = Gidric, Brodrina, Godric, Brina… what more?

Relsey + Brodric = Relseric, Brodsey, Relric…

Deleted user

Wow I am really good at creating awful shipnames lol

Deleted user

Godric… gordric's hollow… who gets me here?