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Deleted user

Okay so first of all Andrea is a total jerk to everyone. Even the teachers. Our class was nice and calmed until he started there about a year ago but then he showed up and everyone decided to become jerks too

Deleted user

Once, my class had this thing at school where we were supposed to be hosts for a night at school when the kids that were supposed to start our school would come and visit. So, half of my class were supposed to guide the kids and their parents around. The other half was supposed to stand at different stations and talk about tje subjects. I was a guide, and when my group came to Andrea's station he just looked kinda lonely. None of the parents or kids talked to him and he just looked rather awkward, so I went up to him and said something in style with, "Hi, how's it going?". And he just freaking ignored me. He looked at me and then he just looked away, not even bothering to answer me. Who even does that.

Deleted user

(You probably had a good reason for doing it, he definetly didn't)

Deleted user

I have a friend who has social anxiety, making it hard for her to go to school like normal. Our class has been pretty supportive of her. Then… Andrea came. And he like, decided to see it as his personal goal to make her feel as bad as possible or something. She has a lot of political opinions, and every single time she even mentioned something slightly political he started arguing about it with her, making her feel like shit about having her opinions. He would even bring up that kind of stuff to her when she wasn't even talking about it. Now she has switched schools and had a really, really hard time being in school for even one class a day over the last year just because of that she don't want to be anywere close to him since he just picks on her all the freaking time. Her switching schools were mainly because of him, and he made her social anxiety and phobia a lot worse. And when he started acting stupid, a lot of the guys in my class started acting like jerks towards her too.

Deleted user

Oh and he's been calling a bunch of the girls in my class fat by saying things like "should you really eat that much?" and stuff like that, making them feel like shit about themselves

Deleted user

Yup. And the other day he punched Simon (a guy in my class) in the face a bunch of times


Honestly he probably would've been a loner if the other guys didn't follow in his footsteps like lost puppies. Still. Imma fight him.


This guy ritvik I HATE HIM SO MUCH
at the start of testing summer walked in with a dress because you know she gets around and he literally goes “why are you into fashion all of a sudden? What’s wrong with you?” And I nearly punched him in an uppercut but I didn’t because summer’s friend paolo just comes and says “what the actual fuck, dude”


Everybody Loves Paolo TM
he’s pretty big cause he does rugby and ritvik is pretty small so he just kinda shrunk off like “Sorry man my bad” and Nicholas and Ryan were sitting next to me and we all just turn to each other with really wide eyes like 👀


Is Shit a hot 15 y o Italian kiddo lol

mildly attractive 15 yr old indian kid with glasses and curly hair, slightly chubby