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Sorry I didn't respond I was gone all day today too, He was wonderful gather around while I summarize yesterday and today's events.


So yesterday, we started out on a bus rise going down to San Diago where we spent the day, on said bus ride he started out sitting next to his friend Greg, then we were talking over like two rows if chairs so he moved up to the seat right behind me and we talked all the way down to San Diego. Then At the Zoo he again started out with his friend Greg but then ended up with My friend Lara and Me and we walked around the Zoo talking again the entire time. Then we went to eat lunch and we were sitting next to each other and we were talking about music and poly rhythms and the rest of the people at our table were so confused it was hilarious, and after lunch we went to Old town and walked around but the entire group stayed together but we were again talking all the time. And then on the buss ride back up to home…..


We're talking and having a very nice conversation when he stops and says, "So I need to tell you, I switched to (Insert school name), And I think I should tell you that." And then he look at me and he was so sad, we was just waiting for my reaction and So I just started telling him how good of an opportunity it was for him and ya it would be a bit sad for me but it wasn't really his fault he was making the right choice, but then during my very fabulous performance I started tearing up and then we stop to get food and I get out and I just hug my friend Makalee really tight and I'm trying really hard not to cry and then I look over at him. And this boy is just looking at me tearing up and he sees me look up and turns away wiping his eye;s and my heart just couldn't take it all and ya. But then on the bus ride back He was being supper supper nice to make up for it and trying really hard to help me be happy again and it was just too cute for me to not be happy. It's not like I won't see him any more I'll see him every morning when school starts back up but he just wont be at school. And then there was today….


Today was less event full but, he was still being a sweet most amazing person ever. This morning we were sitting next to each other for the speaker and he would look up and smile, then during the car wash part he was just being a cute dork and he climbed a tree, twice, because I couldn't climb it because I'm too short. Then we had lunch and guess what a stupidly accidentally brought back up…. You guessed it the school switch and there were a few people who go to the school he's switching to there and they were giving him the basic rundown of the system, and I just started marching back and forth because I was trying to distract myself from crying, and then he started counting the steps while I was marching (I'm in marching band and he was too) And he just gave me this sad little smile like, It's going to be ok I promise. and then when we went into the last meeting thing he sat next to me again and I was borderline Anxiety attack and he talked me through calming down and then when we were having dinner out side we were talking and he cheered me up again and then he and some of the other kids played 9 squares but 3D. and it was fun to watch. And that is the end of my tale.


Dude that's hella bittersweet. It's adorable but heartbreaking at the same time… aww Relsey…….. sends virtual hugs


Oh ya and he picked a flower while we were walking and when we got back home he gave it to me… so naturally I pressed it and made a necklace out of it.


I am not ashamed to say that I gasped out loud while reading that sentence.
That sounds so prettyyy


Thank you! I'm just sad I wont see him at school anymore, Other then me liking him He's one of, if not, my very best friend and if I'm being honest a lot of my time at school is spent hanging out with him so I don't really know what I'm going to do next year


Thank you! I'm just sad I wont see him at school anymore, Other then me liking him ^ He's one of, if not, my very best friend and if I'm being honest a lot of my time at school is spent hanging out with him so I don't really know what I'm going to do next year

^ = and him liking you,


I know I'm just not to happy about him leaving and I guess my whole mood is a little wack at the moment and I'm just I don't know, whats the word he uses… Somber, somber, I'm somber


The worst part may be that My mom gave me the option of switching over to the school he's switching into for the exact same reasons he is switching over and she still has the offer open to me I just don't know because theoretically I could have my assosiets degree by the time I finished High school, but also I would be leaving behind all of my other school friends, and my opinion on the matter is being swayed by the fact he's going there. He's not the only other person I would know over there either, My friend Makalee goes there too.


So now I have the opportunity to switch to the same school as him but also I would be leaving a ton of people behind and that's like the only reason I'm hesitant.


Relsey, this is gonna be hard, but… what feels worse?
Put yourself in both situations. Analyze the pros and cons. Which situation feels the most right? You're gonna gain some and lose some in both. It's entirely up to you.


in all honesty i think moving somewhere for someone you're not dating yet isn't a good idea. i've been in your position several times and it never panned out

Deleted user

Hey we don't know that for sure

Oh but we do know that for sure

Deleted user

And also that is so damn cute but still so incredibly sad I can't even