forum Crushes
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Nods Understandable, I'm Big sad right now, like America in the 1930's, except instead of being low on cash, I'm low on friends. See there was a dating crisis around 6 months ago and ever sense then Friends have been dropping like flys every where I go , my friend card is basically useless now I have like two people I can use it on.

Deleted user

I miss my crush so much. I was on Pinterest and something reminded me of him, big time. It doesn't help that I'm listening to a kinda sad song either.


I miss my crush so much. I was on Pinterest and something reminded me of him, big time. It doesn't help that I'm listening to a kinda sad song either.

i feel u man. give urself a minute or two to feel the sadness and then distract urself

Deleted user

I miss my crush so much. I was on Pinterest and something reminded me of him, big time. It doesn't help that I'm listening to a kinda sad song either.

i feel u man. give urself a minute or two to feel the sadness and then distract urself

Jeez, another sad song played and I was this close to crying. I keep convincing myself that August isn't far away(that's the next time I'll see him) But no, it's a whole entire month away.


Mia, Owen, Victoria and I are going to a pool party tomorrow evening, I…I don't swim, so I won't be getting in, but I will be wearing makeup to fluster her. Victoria suggested it and I'm like yeah that's cool actually and now she says she is scared and already a little flustered so yes.


I'm a counselor for VBS even though I'm not christian and these 4-year old, kindergartners, 40-pound children. I have been carrying them around for a week, and I now thank them for my biceps and leg muscles. I purposefully climbed three sets of large, steep stairs two at a time with a 40-pound weight on my back at least ten times a day. And back down again.


I saw my old crush at VBS too
The one who liked me and was very sloppy at hiding it
We'll call him Spaz since it is one of his nicknames - he and his friends would always look over at me and whisper and once this other kid Zach asked him like 2 meters away from me 'do you think she likes you' and he shakes his head like 'no' and I did like him at the time. When we were on our church mission in evanston he would purposefully ride in the girl's van next to me, and once we went swimming and he wouldnt stop looking at me like. we all know. And then at the end of the mission trip I gave him my number in those little bags you make full of nice notes to take home and read. I got his clarification that yes, he did like me, and so I just now saw him again today. Preeeeety sure he still likes me.


Which…I'm going to his same pool party tomorrow WITH mia but whatever we'll see how that works out…anyway, now it's 2 or 5