forum Crushes
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Deleted user

Then spill it all, honey. I love me some gossip, it's good for plot inspiration.


so at the pool party I went to mia was flustered indeed but there was this other guy there named gabe and I've heard of him before but didn't know him well, so we were talking a lot and we don't hate we relate - we're both sorta depressed and anxious and both gigantic music geeks, so we got along well. I talked about how I'm like 1/5 gay but still like guys and he talked about how his ex made him depressed and yada yada. And then today we were texting each other a lot and he goes "i have a question to ask but it's really awkward"


And he said "I know you're dating someone but I thought you were cute so you just like me as a friend right? This doesn't mean I like you but you know" and I'm like "yeah I thought you were kinda cute too but I also have a girlfriend" and he goes "yeah lmao sorry that was awkward" and then we talk about that for a bit and then I say "I think of you as just a friend now but that might change if I break up with mia and you get over abby" and he's like "yeah same" and we're gonna hang out a couple times next week


so…………..i don't know what's going on or what I'm gonna do because he's still depressed about his ex abby and I'm still dating mia whom I do still like a real lot but gabe and I also kinda like each other too and I think it's just kind of on hold until the both of us get everything sorted out


we get along super well already, we relate a lot and we're both huge music geeks specifically for rock, and we trust each other a lot with a ton of things - like when we were texting about this we both said we wouldn't tell anyone and I trust him with that, he thinks I'm cool because I don't get offended easily and take jokes and I'm funny or whatever and I don't even know.


ok but like. just think about it for a bit. you either stay with mia and just be friends w gabe or take a little break from talking to him until ur feelings go away
or you break up w her and take ur chances w gabe (after he gets over his ex)


Yeah we both said if we do end up dating it'll take a while, maybe even close to a year but it might happen sometime in the future? He said he's having trouble getting over abby and is rly glad I'm cool with that, and I said thx for being cool about me dating mia and stuff. We're gonna stay good friends until we figure stuff out.


y'all i been having recurring dreams abt kissing other ppl or being kissed by other ppl while knowing jules is my bf and i feel. so guilty