forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


Wait wait wait wait wait hold up.
rubs temples
This completely interferes with my plans to become a dictator of this universe and all the others.


What If I'm your like master assassin, so I don't really have to do much but I get to have a large amount of power.


Hm. I am a lazy dictator, too lazy for my own dirty work. Fellow assassin who will probably kill me in my sleep, you are hired.


(Darn it she guessed my plan… all well I'm Hired) Why thank you I will serve you until the day you die of seemingly natural causes.


And the world will forever wonder why such an OP dictator conveniently died ex-machina style to immediately be replaced by her understudy-like-assassin.

@Pickles group

Wrong. My friend is going to become dictator of North America and Europe. Hes bribing me with food. He's the oldest he wins


Hmm… But I already called dibs on taking over the world. Dibs is serious. I have an evil villain laugh and everything.


You don't understand. I worked with a voice coach to get this villain laugh right. Plus I have a complete 147 step plan for success.


Listen, jackrabbit and I have literally been plotting since we were in the womb about this. He's always wanted to have a private marching band. You can't just crush little jackrabbit's dreams now.


I mean you can have a private marching band but I have 4 cults ready to move to Italy with me, plus a small dog. So. You know. I've been told I'm sort of a Neil Patrick Harris type villain. And I'm going to take that as a good thing.


It's a good thing, but again with jackrabbit…just last week he went through Siberia all by himself, the little thing, just to get us on good terms with both the russian and italian mafias. Plus…Robert bought us all matching red pointy sunglasses.


I mean… matching red pointy glasses are a must-have for anyone planning on taking over the world. Maybe when my army starts taking over the US, we should form an alliance.


This could work…I'm a little concerned on how the rest of the gang will appeal to forming an alliance. Especially Robert and Colin…they're not keen on that sort of thing. But since we're doing Europe and Asia first, I'll consider.

@Pickles group

I mean you can have a private marching band but I have 4 cults ready to move to Italy with me, plus a small dog. So. You know. I've been told I'm sort of a Neil Patrick Harris type villain. And I'm going to take that as a good thing.

……Olaf? not a good thing lol

@Pickles group

This could work…I'm a little concerned on how the rest of the gang will appeal to forming an alliance. Especially Robert and Colin…they're not keen on that sort of thing. But since we're doing Europe and Asia first, I'll consider.

Give my friend Germany and you've got a deal


I mean you can have a private marching band but I have 4 cults ready to move to Italy with me, plus a small dog. So. You know. I've been told I'm sort of a Neil Patrick Harris type villain. And I'm going to take that as a good thing.

……Olaf? not a good thing lol

No, more of a Doctor Horrible Neil Patrick Harris.


This could work…I'm a little concerned on how the rest of the gang will appeal to forming an alliance. Especially Robert and Colin…they're not keen on that sort of thing. But since we're doing Europe and Asia first, I'll consider.

Give my friend Germany and you've got a deal

Fine, fine. The others want more England and Russia and scattered third-world countries that participated in the world wars.


(Back on track with a snipit from Relsey's life)
I was taking care of mt nephew yesterday night, he's 1 1/2 and I was just exhausted, I was curled up on the couch on my side so I could see the little stinker. So I started venting all of my sadness and emotions onto him and before I knew it I started talking about how Brodric is switching schools, and I started talking about how alone I'm going to be at school without him. And I just start crying, my nephew looks up walks over climbs onto the couch and goes to little spoon position and just lays there petting my hand while I cry and if that isn't the sweetest thing ever I don't know what is. He's not even 2 yet and he knows how to comfort people, this boy is going to be the greatest guy to ever exist.


i love my boyfriend so bfucking much god
he asked me what i want my job to be and i said "speech therapist, why" and he said "just figuring out how we'll merge" cuz he wants to be a park ranger
and i'm so fucking soft now


I'm melting from that cuteness, I'm not going to say I've thought about the same thing with my crush but I definitely have.