forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


i've only been talking to jules a few minutes every day bc he's not supposed to be online and it's been like five years since we videod i miss him so much :((

Deleted user

Not much to spill lol, we texted for a while cause we were both bored. We talked about… well, about a gigantic stinking ugly flower.

Deleted user

Gigantic Stinking Ugly Flowers: Most Romantic Subject For Conversations Since 2019

Deleted user

(I don't have a crush or anything, but imma follow this bc I find your guys' little romances intensely intriguing and stimulating to analyze for scientific learning purposes. Carry on as though you aren't being observed by a very confused science nerd)

Deleted user

(Perhaps, but I must study to figure out why. I'm just CoNfUsiON. Romance is a strange thing.)


at the mention of flowers Relsey clutches the necklace she's wearing

oh mi gersh girl
uwus are overflowing

Deleted user

Omigosh guys my family and I rented a small cabin at Värmdö and the hosts live in a bigger house just a few meters away and the son in the family is freaking hot!! He looks kinda like Andrea but he's one or two years older than me and damnnnnn