forum Crushes
Started by Deleted user
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Idk I just…don't like her anymore I can't explain it but I spent the entire day with her and I didn't feel a single thing and felt so bad

oh no, i'm sorry <3

Deleted user

I'm having a crisis…
So there's this one dude in my student council, we are at a conference. And this is this first time I met him, but like he is good looking, you might not expect that from him, but he is to me. Anyway, he's also so nice and athletic and funny and kind. I might possibly slightly have a crush on him… but here's the crisis, I still really like my very long-lasting crush…

Deleted user

Hi. I'm reading the infamous "worst fanfiction ever", My Immortal, and I'm just…. I'm fucking dying. This is so cheesy and the author was trying so hard to seem dark and edgy when really…. cringe.

Deleted user

Now I have headcanons for two of my own characters that one reads it like, really seriously in a deep, dramatic voice to the other and they end up cracking up every other chapter (since the chapters are short as hell. Really, as an author, I find it shameful. Those aren't even oneshots! You have every right to make those short! But no, they're chapters of a goddamn story!! It's shameful.)

Also,there's one Author's Note that really made me want to punch whoever wrote this:

"stup it u gay fags if u donot lik ma story den fukk off! ps it turnz out b'loody mary isn't a muggle afert al n she n vampire r evil datz y dey movd houses ok!"

It's just… this person needs help. I couldn't understand most of that but also, calling people fags? In bad grammar, spelling, and all the rest? Shame on ye.

Deleted user

But yeah I'm sadistic and like to shame bad writing as much as possible. And what better way than in my own bad writing?

Sorry, this got off topic.

@Pickles group

I…I don't recognize what these words are supposed to be….I want to rewrite this and try to make it less….bad. emphasis on less. There's no way to make it good…. Wow.

Deleted user

I know, right?

Ah, yes, a true classic in the fanfiction community. So terrible, and yet… so good. Ah, who the hell am I kidding, it's the worst thing I've ever read and I'm only reading the thing to shame it.

Deleted user

Y'all sure it isn't a troll?

No, this was written by a real person. I'm not even kidding.

Deleted user

I wanna just….

Anyway, I started crying tears of blood and then I slit both of my wrists. They got all over my clothes so I took them off and jumped into the bath angrily while I put on a Linkin Park song at full volume. I grabbed a steak and almost stuck it into my heart to commit suicide. I was so fucking depressed! I got out of the bathtub and put on a black low-cut dress with lace all over it sandly. I put on black high heels with pink metal stuff on the ends and six pairs of skull earrings. I couldn't fucking believe it. Then I looked out the window and screamed… Snap was spying on me and he was taking a video tape of me! And Loopin was masticating to it! They were sitting on their broomsticks.

Several problems. First? The fact that this paragraph exists. Second? Bad representation of mental health issues. Also…. ah, yes, "Loopin" was…. masticating……. (god help me I cracked up at that part this whole thing is like someone tried to mash Twilight with Harry Potter and instead ended up with Twilight and bad grammar)…. oh Lord help this poor child. And just…. honey, do you know how depression and suicidal/self harming ideations work? It looks like ya don't. I'm just…. I've died and gone to hell.

Deleted user

I vote everyone on this site works together to rewrite it

Yes, I agree!!!!

Deleted user

I wonder what Loopin was eating? Since he was, ya know, masticating?

I'm laughing too hard at this right now. What has my life become?