forum Crushes
Started by Deleted user
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pm me

@TeamMezzo group

Mhm. Maybe.

Also, ravens, dear, sweetie, the crush knosw how to figure things out.
And if they figure out.
I blame you.


i maybe know??

no probably not


Oof, My crush knows of this website but he doesn't know my username or what the name of this website is. On the other hand I did get to see him recently and he was charming as ever.

@TeamMezzo group

Oof, My crush knows of this website but he doesn't know my username or what the name of this website is. On the other hand I did get to see him recently and he was charming as ever.

ah okie
one of mine introduced me to the site(i've known her for about teo years and we first met irl) and the other is just UGH so sweet

Deleted user

I don't think my crush (Possibly crushes…) knows I even like to write… so they would never know about this website because of me.

Deleted user

also i have a crush on two people on this site one's gone until further notice and one is often around

my new crush is on this site too lmao (even though I should nOT BE LIKING THEM)
Why is everyone on this site so easy to fall in love with?