forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


Ok thank you, just look at this wonder:
So I slept on it
First I just want you to know that I look up to you so much as a person
And I'm truly sorry that I can't return these feelings
Because I know how much it hurts I I'm so sorry to have to be the cause of it
And I'm sorry not only because it's a horrible thing to do
But also because your one of the sweetest smartest most wonderfully decent human beings i know
I hope you know that whatever happens I still appreciate you so much and admire you
You deserve so much better
I hope we can still be friends


i'm that person who craves and obsesses over love but i can never find anybody who sticks around long enough or somebody who is just as into me as i am into them


Relsey limps in and face plants onto bean bag chair I underestimated how hard it would be to go to band and not have him there, I though I could handle it, I thought the worst was over, I had gotten all of my rough bad sad emotions out of the way I was prepped and ready for band camp… Or so I thought, this is not going well.

@Pickles group

Oh same. If you were a freshman I was gonna laugh at you for underestimating band camp but I guess I can't do that shrugs


Oh no I knew band camp is literally pain in a week 2 weeks actually, But normally I have a friend or two, but last year all of my friends started dating so they're all with there SO's and I'm over in a corner by myself because my crush switched schools.


I appreciate him so much, I don't know if I've said this but he's basically my best friend who I happen to like. Sometimes I thin the knows me better then I do because every single time something comes up that's just awful he knows me well enough to know what to reference.