forum Crushes
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Deleted user

@Relsey, for the sake of humanity, please continue calling people those names-

I shall do My best ,Fair Maiden, for I am sworn to aid any in distress and fend off any Recreant Knights I may find in my way. If thou neediest any assistance you must only @ me and I shall answer

Thank you, you are my new favorite person lmao


I had such a hellish situation with my crush oml.
So, I'm out to her, she knows I'm not straight. She was helping me figure some things out, talking them through with me. Then the conversation turned to the problem I had with my crush, who's her though she doesn't know it. She figured that it was hard for me since I told her my crush was straight. She started giving me really sweet advice like "You should tell her, I'm sure she'll understand, just talk it out with her" and I was just stood there like 'Right. I'll go talk to her, yeah. Yeah, it's not like she's standing right in front of me.'


… That's tough, I'm sorry I have no advice on this one. All I can say is good luck to you Lass.


I don't have the confidence to tell my Crush so, Props to you, The minstrels will sing songs of your great deeds for years to come.

Deleted user

So next Monday I might get to see both of my crushes… They are both in student government and there is a thing we have to do on Monday. Ironically, they are both the president of their class.

It feels so weird to say "both of my crushes"…

@TeamMezzo group

also i have a crush on two people on this site one's gone until further notice and one is often around

knows one (if this was tyler speaking)

was tyler


also i have a crush on two people on this site one's gone until further notice and one is often around

knows one (if this was tyler speaking)

was tyler



It said that the Trump administration was looking to define gender as non-changeable and singular, as in you are the gender you were assigned at birth and nothing else. I think the operation was also going to be illegalized.
But, as Ravens said, it was an old article , I don't think it's happening