forum Crushes
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Deleted user

Does anyone want to hear about why I now have 2 crushes??
The only reason I ask is because I really need to share this with people… and why not here lol

@TeamMezzo group

Does anyone want to hear about why I now have 2 crushes??
The only reason I ask is because I really need to share this with people… and why not here lol

sure i think we're in the same boat so

@TeamMezzo group

also i have a crush on two people on this site one's gone until further notice and one is often around

my new crush is on this site too lmao (even though I should nOT BE LIKING THEM)
Why is everyone on this site so easy to fall in love with?


Deleted user

Does anyone want to hear about why I now have 2 crushes??
The only reason I ask is because I really need to share this with people… and why not here lol

Yes please, I am bored and curious

Deleted user

also i have a crush on two people on this site one's gone until further notice and one is often around

my new crush is on this site too lmao (even though I should nOT BE LIKING THEM)
Why is everyone on this site so easy to fall in love with?



@TeamMezzo group

also i have a crush on two people on this site one's gone until further notice and one is often around

my new crush is on this site too lmao (even though I should nOT BE LIKING THEM)
Why is everyone on this site so easy to fall in love with?



being nosy, who is it? you can say in our pm

Deleted user


I'll tell you if you sell your soul to me.
pm me? I might tell you if you agree to my requirements (I won't actually make you sell your soul-)

Deleted user

Ok so first, I have this one that started at the very beginning of the last school year which is almost a whole year ago. I thought nothing could change my mind about liking him or anything. But boy was I wrong. Just last week I went to a conference for student government. Most of the members of the student government went. I had never met him before the trip. So me and a new friend, I'll call her Gabbie, went to eat and my new crush, I'll call him Ivan, and his friend went to the same place that we did. Gabbie and Ivan are friends, but we didn't eat together. But after we finished, we all hung out together. I immediately noticed how nice and kind Ivan is. AlsohowgoodhelooksbutIwon'tmentionthat… Anyway, we all talked and I didn't think too much of it. That night, there was a blacklight dance. On a slow song, I saw him dance with someone and I felt almost like I was missing out or maybe I was just a little jealous, who knows. But I still didn't think much of it. The next day, we all hung out more and I may have possibly developed some feelings. His smile, his laugh, how he talks, how much he talks to me, his beautiful personality… Yeah, I have a crush on him. It developed in about 2 days. On the way back, I was talking to Gabbie and I told her my first crush and she was saying how she is going to help me dance with him at homecoming and stuff. Then I said something about it being ok if I didn't go with him, there's someone else I would be happy to go with. She kept asking who it was. Of course, I didn't tell her because she and Ivan are friends and stuff…
but he actively talked to me!!!! My other crush doesn't do that very much Sorry if that was a mess…

Deleted user

I told my bf about my small crush and now he's angry at me QwQ
i don't mean to do the whole self pity thing but,,, i actually deserve it. I shouldn't have fallen for the person gosh freaking darn it


I told my bf about my small crush and now he's angry at me QwQ
i don't mean to do the whole self pity thing but,,, i actually deserve it. I shouldn't have fallen for the person gosh freaking darn it

I think you did the right thing, it's practically impossible to control emotions beleive me I know, I tried to squish my crush for The Guy I like for three months, the thing is the Stinking Saxophone player had to keep being Amazing, it's terribly annoying. Don't blame your self alright, it's out of your hands now, you've told him and all you can do know is let him decide.

Deleted user

I told my bf about my small crush and now he's angry at me QwQ
i don't mean to do the whole self pity thing but,,, i actually deserve it. I shouldn't have fallen for the person gosh freaking darn it

I think you did the right thing, it's practically impossible to control emotions beleive me I know, I tried to squish my crush for The Guy I like for three months, the thing is the Stinking Saxophone player had to keep being Amazing, it's terribly annoying. Don't blame your self alright, it's out of your hands now, you've told him and all you can do know is let him decide.

You're right, thank you. I appreciate it uwu


my darling deactivated his acc like three days ago with no warning. if he messaged me then the site deleted it. he's deactivated before bc he was afraid his parents would find his acc but like. this time i didnt have anyone to give me a message from him so i'm. worrying and i miss him so so much i really hope he's okay and just doesn't have access to his electronics or something


Hollow I'm so sorry, I'm sure it's alright though. It always has been in the past, my heart goes out to you. (I must apologize I've been reading a retelling of King Arthur and his knights and I'm afraid some of the language used is getting to me.)


also i have a crush on two people on this site one's gone until further notice and one is often around

knows one (if this was tyler speaking)


(omg mood, it's alright.)

I've called so many people fair maiden and Lass today, and I keep calling people recreant knight, It's getting out of hand


@Relsey, for the sake of humanity, please continue calling people those names-

I shall do My best ,Fair Maiden, for I am sworn to aid any in distress and fend off any Recreant Knights I may find in my way. If thou neediest any assistance you must only @ me and I shall answer

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Anyone else have High PriorityTM chats? Like, if these get a response you drop everything else and deal with it first?
For me, they're all basically any chat my crush is in. But I'm also slightly terrified to actually get on them and see what they said because anxiety makes me think I've done something wrong and my crush hates me.

Is this normal?????


Anyone else have High PriorityTM chats? Like, if these get a response you drop everything else and deal with it first?

Oh definitely.
Usually my Highest Priority™ changes depending on how interesting the conversations in those chats are, but my most common High Priority™ chats are the Chat Of Appreciation, a specific group PM, the Rudeness Chat, and the Miracle Family