forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


I told you guys good luck, My friends have been trying to come up with a ship name for the past 6 months


I know!! I'm so excited! I don't know for how long though It depends on how the groups get split up on the trip but, Crossing fingers we're in the same group, but we're all eating lunch together and I think we'll all be at the Zoo at the same time so.. Yay!


Tomorrow is Friday (It's almost midnight here I'm counting it as Thursday) One day more, another day another agony, this never ending time till I see him, these minutes just go ticking by they do not heed my tears or cries, one day more.


jules's mom took his phone and laptop like he predicted and now he wont be on for god knows how long and i already miss him :(((((((((((((((((
and i have a final today too

Deleted user

Tomorrow is Friday (It's almost midnight here I'm counting it as Thursday) One day more, another day another agony, this never ending time till I see him, these minutes just go ticking by they do not heed my tears or cries, one day more.


Deleted user

I can tell you about all the jerk-ish stuff Andrea has done as a distraction? There is a bunch…


yes go ahead i had to sit next to Shit for finals today and it distracted me but more in a "i don't want you here" kinda way