forum Crushes
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Deleted user

What's going on so far?

On what I wrote earlier? We're just friends…


Is there a word for… I dunno how to describe this. When you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your life with someone as in a relationship, loving and caring for them and the romantic stuff and so on, but at the same time you don't want the intimate stuff with them? Stuff like sex and kissing and so on. And this feeling only affects on one person, not all my crushes?

I think I have told ya'll about him before. Ivar. My close friend who seems like he would do anything for me and seems to have feelings for me. He's nerdy, nice, not very good looking, funny, genuine and caring. I have really fun when I'm with him. If I'm having a bad day, he is one of the few people who can actually make it better just by talking to me. And… I have no idea of what I feel for him. Is it just a friendship? Is it more? I feel like it could be more, but I don't really wanna kiss him or anything like that. Is there a word for that? Would it work out since we are friends and we have other friends that would maybe get in the middle of it? I am literal confusion over here.

that's what i had with julian before we fell in love romantically. it's called queer-platonic partner.
(just fyi, if ur feelings change after a while, don't panic, it's alright)

Deleted user

Is there a word for… I dunno how to describe this. When you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your life with someone as in a relationship, loving and caring for them and the romantic stuff and so on, but at the same time you don't want the intimate stuff with them? Stuff like sex and kissing and so on. And this feeling only affects on one person, not all my crushes?

I think I have told ya'll about him before. Ivar. My close friend who seems like he would do anything for me and seems to have feelings for me. He's nerdy, nice, not very good looking, funny, genuine and caring. I have really fun when I'm with him. If I'm having a bad day, he is one of the few people who can actually make it better just by talking to me. And… I have no idea of what I feel for him. Is it just a friendship? Is it more? I feel like it could be more, but I don't really wanna kiss him or anything like that. Is there a word for that? Would it work out since we are friends and we have other friends that would maybe get in the middle of it? I am literal confusion over here.

that's what i had with julian before we fell in love romantically. it's called queer-platonic partner.
(just fyi, if ur feelings change after a while, don't panic, it's alright)

Thanks, but is it really called queer-platonic if we're not queer…? I mean… I'm a girl and Ivar is a guy… Sorry, I'm not very good at all the different terms for stuff…


that's what i had with julian before we fell in love romantically. it's called queer-platonic partner.
(just fyi, if ur feelings change after a while, don't panic, it's alright)

Thanks, but is it really called queer-platonic if we're not queer…? I mean… I'm a girl and Ivar is a guy… Sorry, I'm not very good at all the different terms for stuff…

in this context queer is used to mean "odd" or "strange" like it originally was, it has nothing to do with being lgbt. it is also known as "quasiplatonic", which is to mean "sort of platonic".

Deleted user

that's what i had with julian before we fell in love romantically. it's called queer-platonic partner.
(just fyi, if ur feelings change after a while, don't panic, it's alright)

Thanks, but is it really called queer-platonic if we're not queer…? I mean… I'm a girl and Ivar is a guy… Sorry, I'm not very good at all the different terms for stuff…

in this context queer is used to mean "odd" or "strange" like it originally was, it has nothing to do with being lgbt. it is also known as "quasiplatonic", which is to mean "sort of platonic".

Oh, okay! Thanks!


in this context queer is used to mean "odd" or "strange" like it originally was, it has nothing to do with being lgbt. it is also known as "quasiplatonic", which is to mean "sort of platonic".

Oh, okay! Thanks!

ofc np!

Deleted user

Hello. I am bored, meaning it's storytime! I have no new tea to spill since I haven't met my crushes in a while, but I have a bunch of old crush stories that my friends have gotten tired of hearing! Prepare to be bored by my stories! Alright, what should I start with… sad? Relatively happy?

Deleted user

Okay Mr. Gay-and-depressed, I'll see what I can come up with. I actually think that it could be chronological as well since most of my crushes were happy until recently.

Deleted user

This is the story of Calle, a boy that I have had a crush on since I first met him when I was six years old. Enjoy.

Once upon a time in a town far, far away (from you at least, it's Stockholm), there was a little girl who was going to start school. She was six years old and really nervous. The first day of school was especially exciting. Her mom, as wvery other parent, was with her. At lunch, she sat down by a table with her mom. Across the table, the cutest boy she had ever seen sat down with his father. He had golden blond hair that vent a little farther than to his cheekbones, mischievous blue eyes and a playfull smirk. He had his entire plate filled with olives. His dad smiled excusingly at her and her mom. "He just wanted to try."
The little girl found the boy perfect. She loved olives, and aparently so did he.

School vent on, and the boy and the girl became friends. Not best friends, but good friends. She didn't have many friends, but this boy brightened up her most awful days. He used to come up to her and say "let's race!" and they would run to see who was the fastest. The girl was slow, and the boy knew that so he sometimes let her win. At the time, the girl barely knew what a crush was.

They were pretty good friends. They had really fun together, and the girl started to slowly develope a crush on him. And same for the boy. They were still friends. Everyone knew that they liked each other, they knew about the other one's crush as well, but they never said anything. They were still so young, only kids.

When they were maybe seven years old, there was a party. All the kids were gathered in the livingroom and they were told that they would dance two and two on a newspaper and then they would fold it one time for each new song, meaning that they would have to dance closer and closer to each other. By a total coincident (totally a coincidence) they got paired up together. They lost the competition after a couple of songs, but they had fun.

Skip forward a few years. Their crushes still remained. Then… a new girl begins in their class. A girl that our main girl quickly becomes best friends with. And one they, when they girls are sitting by the lunch table, our main girl asks her new bestie which boy she likes. The bestie says; "Well… Calle is really cute." Still only ten years old, the girl gets incredibly jealous. Nothing ever happens between the bestie and the boy, though.

After that, some sad stuff happens so yeah I don't have to add them if this is gonna be a happy story lol. But the point is… this boy, Calle, is amazing. He was a close friend of mine for many years, and I would lie if I said that I don't still have a crush on him. He made me laugh on my worst days, and those mischievous eyes are something I will never ever forget. And his smile, dammit. Gorgeous.

( @Relsey I bet your story will be better lol this one kinda sucked but yeah)

Deleted user

Yup, other people have troubles with drinking too much or taking drugs but he has a problem with being addicted to olives lol

Deleted user

That reminds me… another old crush of mine actually has an obsession with potatoes. Why does all my crushes have food obsession? XD

Deleted user

I also have this shorter story about Axel the potato boi. Axel was a boy in my class who was like one of the popular guys. I thought he was cute and stuff but I didn't really have a crush on him. Until one day at a party when we were 11. It was a party for our class, and we were supposed to dance two and two. And we danced. A lot. Like, more than any other people did. Much more. Afterwards, the girls in our class came to me and they was like, "omg Alex are you and Axel together!?!?!" And I was like "no don't be stupid why would we be that?" but at the same time I was kinda happy about it. The next day, the girls came up to me again. "Axel said to us that he would ask you to be his girlfriend today" they said. "Oh, really?" I said. And then I waited. All day. The next day passed too, and he didn't say a word about it. Meanwhile, I started to develope one hell of a crush on him.

It was not until next year that I found out what had really happened, from one of the popular girls in our class. He chickened out, and told everyone that he had asked me but that I had said that relationships were lame, making me seem like a loser to the rest of our class. They didn't bully me, but I barely had any friends. Luckily, that was also the year that my best friend started in our class. For about two years after that I found out what he had said I hated him. Now I see him every now and then and we have classes together, I don't hate him anymore. He has a hot friend tho who I know liked me a while back, so I think I might try to go for that instead lol

Deleted user

And did I ever tell you about the time when my douchebag-crush swallowed poison


And did I ever tell you about the time when my douchebag-crush swallowed poison

TELL US i'm lowkey projecting my anger abt my now-dead infatuation with Shit (an asshole i used to like) on your douchebag


Once upon a time, Relsey and Boy were in Band, Band director was talking his head off as usual and to entertain herself Relsey was playing with one of the many hair ties around her wrist, Band directer calls her out for this, humiliates her infrount of entire class and Relsey is understandably upset. Walking out of Band with Boy Relsey shouts, "That Class is going to give me an aneurysm!" Boy being the sweet amazing person that he is immediately begins to be his awkward adorable self by asking
"Do bruises count as aneurysms?"
Relsey pauses to think, "No they don't the veins are bursting because of trama of some sort not from inside pressure."
Boy gestures wildly, "wait wait wait, lets just talk about the physics of this…" Boy continues to explain physics stuffs until Relsey finally can't help it and laughs about it, Boy smiles widely when she laughs because he won and beet the negative emotions.

This is not the best example of all of the cute stories I have but it's the first one that came to my mind.

Deleted user

Well, my class were at this competition at the university (we lost it right before the finals ugh I'm still annoyed by that, and btw David was one of those who competed for our class so yes I blame him). We got a guided tour around the science part of the university, and we got to perform an experiment with liquid nitrogen. There was this tool that we used for the experiment that we were told not to touch because it was poisonus. And… what do you think that The Douchebag aka Andrea does? TOUCHES IT. And that's not all. HE ALSO FUCKING LICKS HIS OWN FINGER RIGHT AFTER TOUCHING THE POISON PART OF IT. LIKE. WHAT THE FUCK ANDREA. HOW IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE TO BE THAT STUPID. So, anyways, he completely freaks out about it and is all like "SHIT SHIT SHIT I'M GOING TO FUCKING DIE GUYS I'M GOING TO DIE" and the rest off us were like "chill the fuck down Andrea you won't die" cause the guide told us that such a small amount of it wont really hurt. But Andrea spent the rest of the day being super freaking anxious and throwing up a bunch of times just to make sure it got out of his system and yeah that's pretty much the end of the story. The content of this story: Don't lick things that are fucking poisonus.

Deleted user

Wanna hear about all the jerkish things that Andrea has done? Cause there are a lot of them…