forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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@GameMaster group

“You didn’t miss much. Except the weirdo coming in asking for brownies.” The barkeeper said. “Why would there be brownies in a tavern? Oh, and you promised us a story.”

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"I'm this story's author, I don't want to be here, but I already made the decision and I'll get water dumped on me if I don't stay." The teen said, Mendax laughing. "Hell yeah you will, you got my brother killed in one of these character chats."

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(Yeah I'm kinda scared to shoehorn myself in but I like to cause it's fun.)

"Mood. My author killed my brother in our actual story because she wanted to 'up the angst' as she calls it." said Eris bitterly. "Boi, same." Brie said.

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"It was getting boring, plus, he was going to betray you anyways, oh… I wasn't supposed to say that, oh well." The author muttered, eyes glassy.

@GameMaster group

“I’m starting to think that my author is secretly a serial killer with the number of characters she’s killed off.” The barkeeper looked up. “Killing my girlfriend for the third time? Not cool.”

@GameMaster group

“Making me stay up writing about you until three am wasn’t cool either. I had a French test the next day!” The voice came from an old fashioned radio behind the bar. The barkeeper smirked. “It isn’t my fault I’m so interesting.”

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"Ayeeee, another author. Come're so I can pass the fuck outttt!" The teen exclaimed, eyes still glassy as fuck. "No dip, you channeled your mommy issues onto me and just a fraction of them and you just told someone all of it." S.K said.

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"Nah, I'm on a bunch of mood stabilizers and sleep deprivation." The teen muttered, taking a swig from a flask he had on his bag.

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"Nah, this is red bull, coffee, and dr. pepper."

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"Nope, I'm working on a final project for my visual arts class before exams start." The teen answered, pulling out a packet of sugar and dumping it into his flask.

@GameMaster group

“Yeah, my teacher thought it would be funny to give four research projects and three tests the same week as the musical which I’m in. And three weeks before finals.” Radio went dark.

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"I get that bud, my general sciences teacher made me write a 6 page paper on somethin we didn't learn."

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"Oof, I wish her the best of luck, I was in a show that just ended." The author said, pourin the rest of his death juice in his mouth,

@GameMaster group

“Okay she’s back and so am I. Enough breaking the fourth wall. I have the story today.” The barkeeper threw the radio under the table. And hopped up on the bar.

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"Nah, breaking the fourth wall is fun." The teen muttered, snapping his fingers and summonin g more death juice.