forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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"Do not. My imagination is harmless mostly but do fucking not with Eris. He's probably going to imagine some nuclear all-destroying lighter fluid, and then find a way to get it, and then kill the universe." said Brie. "Would not!" the semi-snake protested.

@GameMaster group

"Hey, new guy," The barkeep said to the man leaning against the wall. "Name, drink, and story, please. I agree though, do not leave anything to our imagination. We will make it much, much worse."

@Dragoncita group

The male grinned, showing sharpened fangs, "Eh, my age and line of work, I had some rather dirty thoughts…"
He looked over to the bar tender. The tail uncurled around himself, moving forward. A light leather armor covered his body, metallic boots echoing against the ground as he walked towards the bar. A forked tongue slowly slipped past his lips, testing the air. He used his tail to pull out a stool, moving to sit upon it. As the draconic like male settled down, his tail curled round the seat, resting an arm on the top of the counter.
"Fire whisky; the kind that actually has some inferno saliva from a salamander mixed in it," he seemingly waved his hand, "Strange request I know, but hey, what ya gonna do when you live in a strange world."
His yellow eyes landed on the bar tender, "Name's Baasarn, cross of a Dragonian and human, mercenary for hire."

@GameMaster group

The barkeeper pulled a bottle from under the counter that looked as if it was filled with molten lava. She poured it into a glass and the glass…melted. "Oopsy." She pulled out an iron goblet and filled it with the liquid and handed it to Baarsarn. "I sure hope that you aren't here to kill anyone. I've spent my time as a mercenary as well."

@Dragoncita group

Baasarn watched in mild amusement as the glass suddenly melted down. The tip of his tail twitched ever so slightly, the spines flattened, showing is relaxed state. As the goblet was passed to him, he took it without a second thought, taking a swig, then lightly setting it down again. His forked tongue flicked out again, running it across his lips.
He glanced to the bar tender. The draconic humanoid chuckled, "Nah, currently don't got any jobs at the moment, so you all are good."
Baasarn continued, "Most of my work is traveling with caravans, keeping them well guarded against thieves and the such."

@Knight-Shives group

"I have a friend and…we're pretty sure there was a mess up with his soul. Kieran Erogan. Does it sound familiar?"

"It could. I'm not too sure there have been so many souls there."

@Echo_6 group

A young looking girl, with short straight black hair, and unnaturally light green eyes, wearing a light pink hoodie and dark tan pants walked in. She had two curved daggers, one on each hip. She sat down at a table and sighed, letting her shoulders slump.

@Dragoncita group

Baasarn glanced back out of the corner of his eye. He noticed a newcomer to the tavern. He allowed his yellow eyes to look her over, then look back down towards his drink. The draconic male flicked his tongue out, lapping at the liquid a bit instead of full on taking a swig like he had done earlier. It would definitely be better to try and enjoy the drink instead of guzzling it down.

@Echo_6 group

The girl didn't move for a while. She just stared at the ceiling and breathed. She was slouched in her chair. Then she sat up and began messing with a little piece of twine in her hands.

@Dragoncita group

The male slowly closed his eyes, seemingly exhaling a cloud of white smoke past his lips. He slowly stood up, feet echoing against the floor. His yellow eyes settled on the girl, his gaze was gentle, but there was something behind the gaze. Baasarn was observing, watching, taking mental notes. He was unsure, having different feelings rolling off the girl's direction.
Baasarn continued his slow approach, soon coming to stand near her table. The draconic humanoid bowed his horned head slightly towards her, then spoke, "Mind if I join you madam?"
He lifted his head so his eyes met her own. Baasarn knew impressions were important, eye contact was a vital part of such interactions.

@Echo_6 group

The girl seemingly looked through him, then a small smile touched her face. "I wouldn't mind," her voice was quiet and soft. She moved her chair a little so he could pull up a chair next to her. He seemed nice, like he wouldn't hurt a fly. But she also got another vibe from him. A mysterious and unpredictable side. Almost like that of… no she wouldn't think about him. Not right now. Sadness washed over her, and she tried to hide it. "What's your name?"

@Dragoncita group

Hearing her answer, Baasarn bowed his head slightly again. His tail suddenly slunk around, wrapping around a chair leg, pulling it across the floor. It settled by the table, the male soon taking a seat nearby. He settled one of his arms on the table, reaching around with his other to rub the back of his scaled neck. The male let his claw-like nails scratch a bit, moving his arm back around, noticing several scales in the palm of his hand.
He released a soft 'tsk', muttering, "Damn, didn't think it was quite time yet to shed my scales."
The male looked back to her. His head tilted a bit, having seemingly sensed the slight change…sadness? Perhaps. The scent was fresh, but faint, being masked. He would not press the matter, it was not his place.
He instead let the few faded, dislodged scales fall onto the table, turning his yellow eyes back towards her, "Name's Baasarn, mercenary for hire."
A usual response for him, especially when it came to jobs and talking to possible contractors. Say his name, what he does for a living. He didn't really say what he was, less of course asked.

@Echo_6 group

She smiled softly again. "I like that name, it sounds different," she looked down at the down at the twine in her hands. She twisted it slowly, and when she set it down, it was knotted in the shape of a little flower.

@Dragoncita group

Baasarn returned the girl's smile. A noise seemed to come from him, like a rough purr, a prrum. His tail remained curled around a leg of the chair he sat upon. The male using a claw to lightly move the few scales he shed, rearranging them a bit.
"Thanks, name was given to me by my mother's side, as she was a Dragonian, my father a human."
His yellow eyes glanced towards the twine that now settled on the table. The male seemingly tilted his head to the side in a slightly curious fashion. It was indeed a rather strange little thing she had just done. He wasn't truly aware of such things, well, his work didn't really dabble in with 'arts' so to speak. Guess it depended on the 'art' as well. Baasarn was aware of different 'arts', but that was something else entirely.
"Mm, fancy little trick there…you must work with your hands very often to achieve such a complex artwork with a simple piece of twine."

@Echo_6 group

"I have to use my hands a lot," her finger traced over the twine. "I can't exactly see what I'm doing," she sounded a little amused.

@Dragoncita group

"Ah, I see…"
He let her words run through his mind a few times. The male let the silence settle for several moments before speaking again, "So you are blind then? Forgive me if I am being insensitive. I mean no disrespect."
Baasarn was genuinely curious. He wouldn't know, having perfect vision himself. Though he had maybe worked and come across a few without their vision. He knew though that when certain senses were impaired, ways were created in order to bypass such hinderances.

@Echo_6 group

"Yeah, I was born blind," she replied. "I take no offence to the question, it's not your fault that you haven't known me until now."

@Knight-Shives group

"Hm, I guess we'll never know what happened with his soul." She sighed. "What are you playing Hinata?"

"I could go and check on his placement." Calix replied thinking about it.