forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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@GameMaster group

"True, I just love daggers." She flipped her hand and a ruby studded quartz dagger appeared. "So beautiful. So dangerous. They are truly my spirit animal."

@Echo_6 group

Tonakee smiled again, she pulled out both her curved daggers. They looked identical. The handles wrapped in a bright red ribbon, the blade having glass like tips leading into silver, to the middle that was gold, and then back out to silver, and then the glassy like tips. "I agree, daggers are my favorite weapon of choice. They are easy to handle and I use close combat often and daggers are easy to use up close. Long range is not my strong suit. These were a special gift from my brother. He hand crafted them."

@Dragoncita group

Baasarn listened as the bar tender and Tonakee started to converse with each other. The tip of his tail was twitching now and then as he continued to lightly scratch at the loose scales on the back of his neck. He seemed to still emit a soft growl from his chest, though it was more of a growl of annoyance. Shedding truly was the worst…
He paused, looking over as weapons were suddenly set out on the tables. Baasarn was seemingly eyeing each dagger, not eyeing in as he 'wanted them', it was more so him calculating the possible outcomes of being in a fight with such weapons, if they were ever to be used against him. Though his scales were quite well for protection, having usual normal weapons bounce of harmlessly. Other weapons have managed to scratch his scales, though not fully penetrating through his natural armor. However, now as he was in a shedding state, his scales would be much softer, a dangerous time.
"I'm more of a close combatant as well. Ranged enemies are such a nuisance to deal with."
He released a soft 'tsk' at the thought of arrows or even throwing weapons. It could be so hard to work when you were constantly getting harassed by random, flying objects.

@Echo_6 group

"You wouldn't really like my brother then," Tonakee chuckled. "He's is much more of a long range guy, his weapon of choice is the bow."

@GameMaster group

The barkeep nodded. “I tried a crossbow once. It wasn’t much fun not actually being on the battlefield. I have met some cool archers but I’ve never been able to get the hang of it.”

@Echo_6 group

"Not according to him. But everything to him seems easy, just cause he can adapt to things faster than you can say Carthenallyartaca." Tonakee put her daggers away.

@CasiCasino group

Sounds of horses and loud footsteps can be heard coming from outside the Tavern. The sounds were loud from the beginning. They then stopped. Not long after, a man with golden caduceuses in his eyes, white wavy hair and a black blade symbol beside his right eye walked into the tavern. The clothing he had resembled that of a horse rider but it looked formal as if he was from a royal family.

@Echo_6 group

Tonakee looked to the person's direction, then chose to look away. There was a bad aura about him. And he seemed to be looking for someone.

@Dragoncita group

"Everyone has their strengths, just as they have their weaknesses," Baasarn commented.
The male leaned back in his chair, his tail moving just a bit. He continued to seemingly rub the back of his neck, a few more scales falling off to the floor. Though he paid no mind to them, just part of what he was and that wouldn't change.
"Most 'range' I focus on is occasional lightning strikes or ice shards. For the most part though, I used that as close range with a well balanced blade."
His head turned at the sound of hooves. Baasarn's yellow eyes glowed, the black pupils narrowing slightly. The spines along his tail partially raised, more alert. His gaze landed on a male who soon entered the building. He raised an eyeridge at the newest addition. The draconic humanoid's forked tongue flicked out, testing the air. Yup, that scent and air was unmistakable. Most likely a noble of some sort.

@Echo_6 group

Tonakee actually moved closer to Baasarn feeling more safe next to him. The man that had just entered gave her chills.

Deleted user

A small girl with red hands and shoulders burst through the doors, ignoring anything else. "I need a drink, any drink as long as I get wasted." She stated, red fingers tapping on the counter.


In the far corner of the tavern Cassio watched the newcomer through dark eyes. He had let himself fade into the background, mostly forgotten. The dude set alarm bells ringing through Cassio's entire body and not just for his appearance. Unconsciously his fingers started to close, ready to summon Levithsdale at a moment's notice. Simultaneously he closed his left hand around the silver ring that adorned his fourth finger.

@Dragoncita group

Baasarn noticed as the rest of the patrons of the Tavern started to seemingly shift nervously at the appearance of the male. Though to the draconic humanoid, the noble was nothing to fear. Then again, he had worked with plenty of nobility and royalty. So he had a pretty good grasp of what was to be expected, how to react, and so forth. Nobles could actually pretty amusing, especially when you got the ones who acted tough, but could barely wield a sword, let alone lift one.
There were of course non-humans who were the same, but still Baasarn was not phased. He instead moved his claws to lightly run across the lip the iron goblet given to him. He had already drank most of the hot liquid inside. Out of the corner of his eye, Baasarn took note as Tonakee seemed to scoot closer to him. His tail seemed to slip under his own chair, curling lightly around Tonakee's own chair leg. He was pretty certain she'd feel the shift, knowing despite blindness, one's other senses tended to evolve and become more sharp. Though he said not a word, instead the growl he was doing earlier quieted down to a rumble seemingly vibrating from his chest.

@Echo_6 group

Tonakee did feel it, but she didn't react. She didn't know why she was getting bad vibes from the man. But she was, and she was grateful that Baasarn seemed understand that she felt unsafe. Without words he seemed to understand. That was rare to find in people, or non-humans.

@GameMaster group

“Hey guys,” The barkeeper said breaking the silence. She slid a purple tinged drink to the girl with the red fingers. “Names and stories. Anything to drink for the fancy lad? I sure hope you properly tied up your horse.”

@CasiCasino group

The male figure turned to the barkeep.
“If by tie up you mean bury underground then yes…” he answered. His voice was quite cold and slightly threatening but that’s just his voice. He walked closer to the counter.
“A normal cocktail would be fine” the noble said, sitting down.

@GameMaster group

The barkeeper frowned at his sassiness. She made a margarita and stuck a tiny pink umbrella in it. “One normal cocktail. Why’d you bury your horse. Was it dead or did you just not like it anymore.”