forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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@Dragoncita group

Baasarn gave a slight nod. He glanced towards the few scales on the table before him, reviewing how he had rearranged them. The male lifted his yellow eyes back towards the girl.
"Mind introducing yourself miss? Understandable though if you wish to keep your name to yourself."
People and other creatures worked in different ways. He had worked for individuals who didn't even meet him face-to-face, using a different name. Not that it ever bothered Baasarn. To the draconic humanoid, it didn't really matter, just so long as the job he was given was reasonable and he could get it done.

@Echo_6 group

"I'm sorry how rude of me," she shook her head. Disappointed by herself. "My name is Tonakee," she stood and gave a slight bow.

@Dragoncita group

Baasarn let the name settle in his mind. It was an intriguing name, one he couldn't say he heard anything like it before in his long years. He lifted his goblet, taking a swallow of the liquid, it burning down his throat. It was good, despite the odd combination of fire whisky being mixed with inferno saliva, least to him. Being what he was had its perks, even if he wasn't a fire type himself. Baasarn was a combination of an ice and lightning Dragonian, least from his mother's side.
"So what brings a young girl such as yourself to these parts?"

@Dragoncita group

He blinked a bit as the scales were brushed off the table. Baasarn though gave a slight shrug, though his tail slipped around, moving the shed scales under his seat. Guess he'd get rid of those later. He'd rather not have someone else be stuck cleaning the mess he left. To shed his scales was always such a pain. He'd often become more agitated and easier to annoy. But who could blame a person or creature like that, whey they were in constant discomfort?
For now though, it was just a minor annoyance.

@Echo_6 group

"I'm on break from my job," Tonakee sighed. "High stress, constant moving, and very few breaks. So I'm taking whatever breaks I can."

@Dragoncita group

"Mmm, makes sense."
Baasarn glanced out of the corner of his eye, hearing the female further away from where he currently sat with Tonakee. His own work was different, having lulled times, as where others were incredibly busy for him. Though, being a very high-in-demand mercenary, he was constantly being asked for his services. Well, it meant constant work for him, which in turn kept him busy.

@Echo_6 group

Tonakee turned to face the direction she'd heard Hinata from. She was quiet for a moment. "Are you the one that was with my brother?" She tipped her head a little.

@GameMaster group

"Man, being a mercenary was fun." The barkeeper sighed. "I miss it, but it got boring after a run through Arabia. Camels are NOT cute. They're gross and ridiculously entitled."

@Echo_6 group

Tonakee laughed. "I would actually say that being a ninja is more fun," she glanced in the direction of the barkeeper.

@GameMaster group

"Well it depends if you mean the story type ninja with the mask and whatnot or the historically correct ninja, more like a covert samurai."

@Dragoncita group

His horned head turned, yellow eyes landing on the other girl as she approached. The male let her gaze wander over her form, once again taking in everything. His forked tongue flicked out to test the air. Baasarn grew quiet as the two ladies conversed, none of it any of his business. His tail remained curled around the leg of his chair, the tip twitching now and then.
Baasarn reached back, once again lightly scratching the back of his neck. A low rumble seemed to emit from him. Though he looked to Tonakee once again as she asked about him being a mercenary.
"I am indeed ma'am. Mostly work as a guard to caravans and the such. Escorting royalty now and then."
Baasarn glanced to the bar tender, "Never really have come across 'ninjas' before. Most I've heard is that they usually focus on 'stealth' and the such."

@Echo_6 group

"Well, I would have to agree. Being a ninja is cool, it is also dangerous," she smiled. "Even more so, for someone that can't see their opponents."

@GameMaster group

"True, but don't Ninjas more often rely on their other senses anyway?" She asked. "It's not like seeing the enemy is all that necessary when you're using a sword or dagger."

@Echo_6 group

"Mmm, that's only half true," Tonakee tilted her head a little. "What you're thinking of is a mix of Earth's ninja. I'm a ninja in the sense of, I'm a silent protector. Cause, back at home there is a section of land that bottle necks to the sea with mountains on either side, and a forest right in the middle. Well stuck on the edge of the sea is about half an army of Seige Warriors, and they came through once before destroying everything in their path, the kingdom just outside the forest couldn't stop them. So the normally peaceful people of the forest trapped them by the sea. The Seige Warriors now continuously try to get back to the other half of their army, so the people of the forest became the now unknown protectors of a kingdom that hates us," she explained.