forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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@GameMaster group

The barkeeper sat silently throughout this affair. Her job was to listen and learn, not contribute. However, she didn’t much care what her job was. “I’ve visited Heaven, Hell, and the Soul Labyrinth multiple times and I must say that Hell is the only one I’d go back to. Save Purgatory perhaps.”

@Dragoncita group

Her eyes glowed slightly as she heard 'war'. It was a word she was used to, back home dragon and man were constantly at war so to speak. Men and dragon constantly at each other's throats, all because of a single death that happened way before she was even born.
There were of course some dragons and humans that tolerated each other. Actually, there was a village she had heard of where many Dragonkin called home. There was a time she had thought about heading there, but she was still unsure. Would they accept the likes of her? A Dragonkin that couldn't even control her dragon form? And what if they knew about her inability to fly? Would they still accept her?
The woman shook her head to try and clear all of the questions that started to surface. She instead tried to let his words sink into her mind. If she chose to continue to travel with him, they would be going through unknown territory for her, dangers around every corner. A slight frown crossed her features. She swallowed the lump growing in her throat as another barrage of questions surfaced in her mind. She was scared, crossing into a land she had no clue about, or what was to be expected. Yet…it was a risk she was willing to take…
Zera looked back to Tolkalee, a mixture of determination and something else crossed her features, "I will still travel with you, this war will be a hinderance, but nothing in life is easy. All one can do is keep doing until they finally find something worthwhile."

@Echo_6 group

Tolkalee smiled at her. Her determination was good. He was actually glad that she still wanted to travel with him. Not many people would after he told them what might happen, or what was happening. The fact that she was still willing to travel with him told him that she had strong will power. At some point he would also have to tell her who he really was. He couldn't keep that from her, and it would be better to tell her than to let her find out. "Well, I guess we should get moving then. The rain is letting up and it will be dawn soon."

@GameMaster group

“What about you Calix? You must be at least somewhat partial to heaven.” The barkeeper poured herself a drink from a grey glass under the bar.

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Eris looked up from his seat. He'd been zoning out while his author was gone. "Catch me up on recent events, possibly? And I'm waiting for that drink." he grunted.

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Mendax walked up to the bar, glitching a bit, as usual. "I really hope you don't blame me for the fight incident." He said, even his voice glitched.

@GameMaster group

“Hey Newbie.” The barkeep handed Eris his drink and he slithered back to his seat. “Name, drink, and story please.” She turned to Calix. “Demanding isn’t the word I’d use. More like slavery.”

@GameMaster group

“I haven’t really been keeping up with the news since I last left Hell. Calix and Vasilios probably know more.” She said to Eris.

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"Stories, you say? I have a rather good one. Listen closely. See with the mind's eye, see deeper than with your pitiful mortal forms. I have a tale of horrors to tell you, and if you blink, if you look away even for a second? All is lost." Eris said dramatically. Brie, a young woman with hair spread all over, freckles, and an olive complexion stepped in. "Drama queen much? We'll tell the story together. Eris, do that magic… thingy thing. With the thing." she stated at her nails casually. Brie seemed to be human, but had seen things a human would rarely witness. Maybe she was the first human too, even.

@CasiCasino group

Lucas just looked around and paid some attention to the new comers.
Josiah on the other hand…
“This counter and I have become one…” he mumbly said with his head flopped onto the counter. He was no longer functioning properly.

@GameMaster group

The barkeep looked at Josiah with concern and patted him on the head. "I have something that might get him back to normal. If you want."

@CasiCasino group

Lucas sighed
“Yeah, no. He will suffer from his own choices” Lucas jokingly said.
Josiah’s body melted with the table and started giggling like a little kid.

@GameMaster group

“I was wondering, how do you judge souls to go to Purgatory? It’s not really like heaven, Hell, or even the labyrinth.” The bartender had found Purgatory quite pleasant in her visits. It had become one of her favorite places.

@GameMaster group

“A few times. I found it interesting. Like walking through a museum of imperfect artwork. Messy but beautiful. Hell is cool too but it’s hard to see when you’re being tortured. I hitched a rides through what you would call a ‘back door’.” She explained. “A kind of stage entrance for the court. I’ve got connections literally everywhere. Wasn’t very hard to get in.”

@GameMaster group

Josiah hit a glass and it fell to the floor and shattered. The barkeeper looked at the shattered glass with distaste. “Not cool.” She waved her hand and the pieces reassemble on the bar. Josiah grabbed at it but it scooted just out of reach. Apparently he found this hilarious since he then fell off the barstool again in a fit of giggles.

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"Hey, stories much?" Brie said. "I'm trying to fit in but I'd rather we not tell total strangers things that could endanger their and our lives." Eris said. "Hey, you were the one with the dramatic intro, not me." Brie snarked in reply.

@Dragoncita group

Zera gave a nod to Tolkalee. Once again the smile crossed her features. She seemed to be reassured by his words, knowing that she would indeed be accompanying him. Her violet eyes were a soft, gentle glow, pupils completely round as she relaxed even further. She moved so she soon stood beside the male.
"Yes, as much as I liked the small rest, it will feel good to start moving again. Never did really like staying in one place for too long."
The female continued to smile towards him. She moved her hands back, delicate fingers wrapping around cloth to pull the hood once again over her head. Yet she waited patiently for Tolkalee to take the lead. Deep down, Zera was excited. An adventure that might have some purpose! She had never really been on such a venture before. Well, her 'adventure' mostly consisted of constantly being on the move, to escape the past and try to find somewhere she could belong…

@CasiCasino group

Josiah, while on the floor hiccuped a bit and his mask started to fall off.
Noticing this, Lucas knelt down and shifted the mask back to its place, helping Josiah up.
“Geez…I should’ve left you back home…” Lucas complained while Josiah sat back on his stool and giggled.
“Fine Fineeeee, I can go home if want me tooooo~~” Josiah drunkenly said.