forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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Kai perked up remembering what she wants. "I'm looking for anything to make me numb and pass out if you got anything like that."

@Dragoncita group

The female once again bowed her head slightly, out of respect, to the male. She lifted her head again, letting her eyes gaze steadily into his own. Zera let both names sink into her mind, both unique, least to her. She had heard of strange names, and these were tame compared to some of the ones she had heard.
"Pleasure, Tolkalee. As you most likely heard while inside, I am called Zera."
Why she had chosen the longer name than the other one, it was more interesting. That, or perhaps it was slightly more fun to say. Either way, she now at least had an idea of what to call him, instead of 'sir' or the such. A name was better, it let one feel like they had purpose…that they were more than just property…
Zera seemingly shook her head as if to clear it. Every time…she did not want those thoughts creeping up on her…
"I'm guessing that you were passing through here like myself, or did you know of this place already?"
She might as well try small talk. Granted, Zera was not the best at it.

@Echo_6 group

"I had no clue this place existed until I came across it," Tolkalee explained. He smiled, rare for him, especially a genuine one like this was. "Do you have anywhere to go? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

@Dragoncita group

She gave a slight nod. The female seemed to relax even more as she noticed the smile cross his face. It was a genuine smile…not a fake. She knew, she knew a difference when she saw it. Zera had been exposed to false smiles for so long, for over 60 years she knew a fake smile when she saw it, having to put on such a façade before just to stay alive and please her captors…but that was over and done with…she was free…for now at least.
The female actually smiled slightly, her own features being true. This was no 'happy mask' she wore, but a true and relaxed state. Being outside in the open did definitely help with her remaining more calm. The more draconic side being put at ease with open sky above and places to run…to escape if need be.
Her gaze shifted to the side, "Honestly…I have nowhere to go…I just know I need to keep moving…I'd like to try and find my father…but I have no idea where to even start looking…I never knew him…I only grew up with my mother…but then that day happened…"
Zera seemingly grew silent. Her violet eyes stared towards the ground, the small smile disappearing. Her body seemed to slump as she stared at the earth beneath their feet.
"I barely remember anything…of what had happened then…"

@Echo_6 group

A sympathetic look crossed his face, but he looked away. He didn't want her to think he pitied her. No one liked being pitied. "Well…" he thought for a moment. "You could come with me," he offered after a few seconds. "I live off earth so whatever you're trying to stay away from shouldn't be able to find you. Plus I could help you find your father. If you wanted anyway."

@Dragoncita group

Go…with him? To somewhere she had no clue of, or about. Granted, she was from a completely different area as well, much like this male. She just so happened to stumble upon this place, like many a traveler. The woman's eyes remained round, holding that longing sadness, confusion. She was clearly unsure, and she had all right to be unsure.
This was a complete stranger…but so far this very stranger had shown her more kindness than anyone before. It was the first time in a long time she actually felt relaxed and maybe even slightly happy. She liked the feeling, she felt accepted, that was all she ever wanted…she didn't want it to end…but even Zera knew all good things came to an end, whether one wanted it to or not, but she could try to make it last…
A sudden happy smile crossed the woman's face. Her violet eyes glowed, shining slightly. It was hard to find words, to express how she felt.
"Y-you wouldn't mind…if I-I traveled with you?"
She didn't want to intrude, she didn't want to seem like she was a burden to him. Yet Zera did want to travel with him, being alone with thoughts could take its toll…thoughts which she wanted to forget. Perhaps being with another would help keep her mind busy…

@Echo_6 group

Tolkalee smiled. "Not at all, the company would be nice. And I'm more than happy to help you look for your father." This was the first time he'd felt this happy. He wasn't sure why, but seeing her so happy made him feel happy. Now he really wanted to help her. He'd never had a loving family so he wanted others to be able to have that, even for a little bit.


Quietly, Cassio slipped into the building. A swift glance at the sign revealed the name to be The Purple Cauldron Tavern. He managed to find his way to an empty booth without drawing much attention to himself and so sat down stiffly.
It had been so long since he last relaxed that it almost hurt to now. If asked he wouldn't be able to give even a rough estimate to the last time he felt even remotely safe. He didn't feel threatened here. Letting his head rest against the wall he closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, the sounds of conversation continuing around him soothing, and the smells of food welcoming. Gently, his conscience faded to the barest awareness, awake but only just.

@GameMaster group

“Hey new guy, sorry to interrupt your zen but we are gonna need your name, drink, and story. It’s kinda what we do.” She shrugged and leaned over the counter a little bit more.


Cassio flinched back to full awareness, blinking a few times to reorient himself," Uh, sorry," He started words coloured slightly by a faint accent," My name is Cassio. I come from a distant planet now extinct. I am afraid I do not understand what you mean by 'drink'?"


He blinked. "Why would you ever want to be, um, 'stupid'," he sounded the word out carefully, he knew what it meant but had never heard it used before and wanted to say it right.

@GameMaster group

She shrugged. “When you’re stupid, you’re happy. Ignorance is bliss. Just look at this guy.” She pointed to Josiah who promptly fell out of his chair and giggled.


Cassio nodded slowly," Do all occupants of this tavern have to undergo a transformation to 'stupidity'," he was hesitant to voice his question and offend someone, but needed to know if his original feeling about the places safety was wrong. If lowering one's guard was required to be here then he would need to make his exit.


"Do you…" he hesitated," You do not most likely have this. But do you have Iwothnocpr?" The name rolled of his tongue easily but was unpronounceable to most.

@GameMaster group

“Yup, we have everything.” The barkeep pulled a strange looking bottle from under the bar and poured the strange liquid into a glass. “If you weren’t looking for a drink, what brings you here.


Cassio hid his surprise that they had a bottle of Iwothnocpr. It was a drink native to his home planet and as far as he new not available anywhere else." I am not quite sure. It felt correct, I guess?"


"Thank you," a hesitant smile crossed his face, his dark eyes crinkled slightly, "The most direct translation that seems to make sense to others is that I am a star."