forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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@CasiCasino group

Lucas raised his brow. “Well, I know a Samual but not a Domi…anyways, here” he handed some gold and silver coins to the barkeep. “I’ll come back here once in a while, thanks for the hospitality you deliver” he walked towards the door.

@CasiCasino group

Lucas smiled behind his mask. He moved the mask so that it covers his whole face. He walked out the door, making sure that he closed it on the way. He saw Tolkalee outside. “You going home already…?” He asked, walking up to him.

@GameMaster group

“Depends what time system you’re going by.” She checked her many watches and showed them to him. “Human, Fredian, Silvrixian, Diatol, Damnien, etc.”

@Echo_6 group

Tolkalee glanced at Lucas, then turned away. "Yeah, I have a ways to go, and a war to fight when I get there," he replied. Then he went quiet again.

@CasiCasino group

Lucas knew that Tolkalee might not want to talk about it. He turned away and walked slightly further away from him. He raised his hand up to which a golden and navy blue dual swords symbol on his hand flashed as a portal opened. “Well, nice knowing you a little” he walked through the portal and it closed almost immediately.

Deleted user

S.K shook their head, they were the last of their species, having been stuck in a story only to return to their home and entire world being destroyed. "It's around six PM according to earth time."

@Knight-Shives group

"Alright. Well I'll be back. I have to go somewhere. It's apart of Earth." He got up and fixed his cloak. Then walked out of the place and disappeared.

Deleted user

"Everyone's leaving." Mre muttered, fingers tapping. "Usually, people at bars stay for at least an hour."

@GameMaster group

(does time here work differently than earth?)

This tavern is kinda a little island reality in the middle of all of the story worlds around it. There isn’t really any time passing technically. It’s always night here.

@Knight-Shives group

Calix came back in what felt was like a few minutes. He was followed by another guy as they emerged from a portal and walked into the tavern.

@GameMaster group

"I get quite a few people. Along with being a resting place, it's also kind of a focal point so if you're going from one place to another you go through here by default."

@Knight-Shives group

"Yeah I'll have another Vodka." Calix said and pulled the other guy with him to sit at the counter.
"I'm Vasilios. I'll have water. And um I became a demon by selling my soul to cure my cats illness and to get her to live longer." The other guy whose name was Vasilios said.

@GameMaster group

The barkeeper poured out two drinks and handed them to the guys. "Wow, I've heard some weird demon deals but that's probably in the top ten. Nice to meet you Vasilios."

Deleted user

"She's the barkeep." Both Mre and S.K answered in unison, Mre giggling a bit afterward. "I'm S.K." S.K said.