forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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@GameMaster group

The barkeep handed Lucas his drink and paused before asking,“So what’s your deal? Why not try to fix your mistake instead of sitting in this tavern. There has to be some reason.”

@GameMaster group

“I mean, I know that angels and demons can be…unpleasant. Trust me I know. But, why go off the map. Are you hiding from something? I just ask because you aren’t very well protected.”

@CasiCasino group

Lucas took a sip. “It’s not that I don’t want to fix my mistake, it’s that I can’t. I’m no longer the one in charge when the souls were sent, that would be the Angels’ and Demons’ duties. Right now, someone else is doing my job and I can do nothing about it other than deal with it. But of course, I’m the most experienced at this job though not the most careful” he explained.

@CasiCasino group

“Indeed they can…I should be the one with the most experience working with them…” he sipped the drink. He sat cross legged again and turned to the other people in the tavern.

@Echo_6 group

Tolkalee turned his head as to not make eye contact with him. He took another sip of water, and contemplated whether or not he should leave.

@Dragoncita group

She walked along silently. A cloak covered the feminine form, a hood pulled up over her head. Her boots clicked against the cobblestones as she continued to walk along the path. The cloaked female slowly lifted her head, glowing violet eyes peered from the darkness of the hood. Her gaze lifted upwards, settling on a building. A sign hang downwards; 'The Purple Cauldron Tavern'.
The strange female lowered her gaze again, entering inside. The door swung open with a barely audible creak. There were already others inside, but it was to be expected. She seemingly pulled the cloak a tighter around her form, making sure her face was hidden in the darkness of her hood. The cloaked female moved, keeping her distance from the rest of crowd, making her way to a lone corner and sitting down in silence.

@CasiCasino group

Lucas noticed the newcomer. “Oh well well, what do we have here…?” He caught interest in the violet eyes of the new feminine, though not walking up to her just yet.

@GameMaster group

“I’ve done a lot more than work with them. And I’ve gotten in some serious messes.” The barkeeper pulled up her sleeve to show a tattoo in a strange language. “Angel warding. It won’t work on you unless I want it to. Why do you think I’m in charge of the tavern between universes. They can’t spy on me here.” She then shifted to the cloaked woman in the corner. “You don’t look like you want to talk but you wouldn’t have come in here if you didn’t want a drink. Anything I can get you?”

@Echo_6 group

Tolkalee watched the newcomer take there place, but didn't continue watching, as that would be rude. He took another sip of water, and began fixing his make shift splint.

@Dragoncita group

The female sat in silence. In the depths of the hood, there was seemingly a flicker, but it disappeared quickly. Her head lifted as she took note of a few voices, 2 of which were directed towards her. The violet eyes continued to glow in the darkness as her gaze remained on the ones who spoke.
"I have simply come to rest. Though if it is mandatory, a glass of Burning Fire Wine…if you have no such thing, then a simple glass of water will do."
Her eyes shifted to the side for a moment, noticing another male in an opposite corner. Hm, seemed she wasn't the only one who was preferring a more quiet place to sit.

@CasiCasino group

Lucas finished his drink. “You don’t mind if I assort these here right?” He asked the barkeeper, gesturing at the pile of documents he walked in with.

Deleted user

Can I have another character be the other barkeep?//

@Echo_6 group

Tolkalee fixed his splint and took another sip of water, he noticed the figure on the other side of the room had looked at him, but he didn't respond.

Deleted user

I can't you don't have an @ in your name.//

@GameMaster group

The barkeeper poured a glass of Burning fire wine(yes we have that) and put it on the woman’s table. She turned back to Lucas. “Knock yourself out. I don’t find this the best place to concentrate but if you can, sure.”

Deleted user

When you change your name, you just add an @//

@GameMaster group

The barkeeper checks the time on a complicated series of watches on her arm. “I have somewhere to be right now. Lucky for me the new barkeep should be along in a minute. I’ve got to run but make sure you address them as S.K. They get annoyed when you don’t call them by their preferred name. I’ll be back in four hours or so.” The barkeeper’s form flashes and then disappears.

Deleted user

A snap echoed through the tavern, a masked figure appearing where the barkeeper had stood., flickering in and out of sight The figure pulled out a small bottle of neon green liquid and took a swig of it, fully in sight now.